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What is a Perfect World?

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What is a Perfect World? is a book written by Nancy Lynner, AWC Central Scotland, illustrated by Tharien van Eck, AWC Antwerp, designed by Joyce Halsan, AWC Central Scotland and produced by Amanda Drollinger, AWC Central Scotland. What is a Perfect World? is self-published using Ingram Spark.

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This children’s book allows readers to share and discuss eleven world issues with young children and show them what work awaits. The title asks a question, and each page, through pictures and text, demonstrates an answer for a perfect world. 

The whimsical watercolor characters include 22 children from multicultural backgrounds and abilities, and there are seven adult characters who are parents or helpers. The text asks the readers to help us make the world perfect together, and finishes with a soft surprise. 

This juvenile non-fiction book uses text and paintings to show issues of environmental conservation and protection, clean air, clean water, freedom from hunger, safe sleeping, medical care, blended families, and the happiness of learning to help others.


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Each of the diverse cast of characters is featured in a glossary at the back with given names and separate portraits. The red bird on each page is leading the reader through the issues. There are 17 paintings, and most are double page spreads.

The book is geared for the age group 3-8 years.

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 Availability (until end December 2021): 

Net proceeds from the book will be donated to the FAWCO Target Project, in perpetuity.

Your generous support will be appreciated.

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