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Tharien van Eck
Target Program Chair
AWC Antwerp

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Martha Canning
Target Health Education Chair
AWC Amsterdam

UN Advocacy

The “Human Right” I Disagree With

by Asher Dewey


Asher DeweyOne “human right” that I disagree with is Article 17m which is the “right to own things.” It states:  “Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.”

First I want to make a distinction between personal property and private property.


FAWCO UN Advocacy Goes Virtual

April 2020

In March, I was looking forward to seeing my FAWCO colleagues at our Interim Meeting in Luxembourg and reporting on what the FAWCO Delegation experienced at CSW64. It was not to be, as the Coronavirus pandemic took over all of our lives and erased all of our plans. But our work advocating for women’s rights goes on! We...

UN Reps and Education


UN Sustainable Development Goal #4: Quality Education

FAWCO supports UN Sustainable Development Goal #4   

UN Reps Team and Education

FAWCO’s UN Reps collaborate with FAWCO's Education Team on education initiatives and promotion of the work of the UN Educational, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The Education Team works together with an international school in Cologne and rural schools in...

UN Reps and Global Issues

FAWCO's UN Reps collaborate with FAWCO’s Global Issues Teams, Target Program and Youth Program, focusing on raising awareness, sharing information, promoting action, and participating in global campaigns.

FAWCO's UN Reps are actively engaged in issue and policy advocacy at the global level, and FAWCO club members provide hands-on support in their local communities.  Read the advocacy statements and position papers FAWCO...



As an active member of the community of UN NGO stakeholders, FAWCO joins with partner organizations in advocacy work through statements, position papers and letters to UN agencies and commissions, including the Commission on the Status of Women. 

Latest Advocacy Statements Signed by FAWCO

In preparation for CSW67, FAWCO signed a written statement with 15 other women's NGO members of...

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