Privacy Policy

Data Privacy Policy

Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas (FAWCO) Privacy Policy

FAWCO takes your privacy seriously. Because you provide us personal information as a member of our organization, we are a “controller” of personal information as defined by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

In compliance with the GDPR, this privacy notice describes what personal data we collect as part of your membership; how, why, for how long we will use it, and how we keep it secure.

What type of information is collected from you?

When you sign up to access member-only sections of our website, or when you register for a conference, we ask you to provide or confirm the following personal information:

  • Contact details – Name, address, email address and phone number
  • FAWCO Member Club or other affiliation to FAWCO
  • Optional personal information collected for conferences
    • voting status in the US
    • voting state and district in the US

Why do we collect this information?

We process our members’ personal information in pursuit of our legitimate interests:

  • To verify that applicants fulfill membership requirements.
  • To communicate with you about your membership account and notify you of any changes to our services.
  • To provide you with news and updates about the activity of the organization.
  • To respond to and investigate your questions, comments, support needs, complaints, or concerns.

How do you access and update your personal information?

 You always have the right to:

  • Access the personal data that we hold about you.
  • Restrict the processing of your personal data for specific purposes.
  • Request that we correct your personal data if you believe it is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • Request that we delete your personal information.

How can you accomplish these things?

Accessing or Updating Your Data

Online: You can view and modify the personal data we hold about you at any time via your web site login. Log in to the website at, then click your username in the upper right corner. Select “Your Website Account Profile” from the dropdown menu. This displays all the information we hold about you in our membership database.

Offline: You must contact the VP Communications at to request your information be sent to you or to update your data while offline.


Deleting Your Data

You have the right to request deletion of data at any time; however, be aware that FAWCO may not be able to continue your membership benefits or allow conference registration without it.

We may also keep anonymized demographic data for historical reporting purposes. This demographic data will not contain any individually identifiable personal information.


When does FAWCO contact you, and how can you manage your communication preferences?


FAWCO enables members to sign up to receive newsletters as part of its mission. General members can sign up to receive any of these newsletters on our website at

Each member always has the right to control whether they receive these newsletters. If a member has previously signed up to receive a newsletter and no longer wishes to receive it, every newsletter includes an “unsubscribe” link at the bottom. You can always click that link to unsubscribe from the email newsletter.

A request to be removed from any or all newsletters may also be made in writing by sending an email to .

How do we protect your personal information?

Internal Processes

Your personal information is only accessible by certain members of the FAWCO Board (President, VP Communications, VP Member Clubs), by the web manager, by Committee Chairs or by a FAWCO Foundation Board member (for purposes of verifying eligibility for Educational Awards or submission of Applications for Development Grants or the Target Program. Those allowed access to this data are given strict GDPR-compliant guidelines about how the information may be accessed and used.

Your data is stored by FAWCO in a password-protected database on our web server. When filling out the online application, or updating your membership data online, your personal data is sent directly via encrypted HTTPS connection to our password-protected database.


External Service Providers

FAWCO never shares or sells your personal information to any third party for any purpose not directly related to our organization’s mission.

However, FAWCO does use third party suppliers to provide some services necessary to serve our membership. These suppliers may process personal data on our behalf as “processors” and are subject to contractual conditions to only process that personal information under our instructions and protect it.

In the event that we share personal information with external third parties, we only share such information strictly required for the specific purposes and take reasonable steps to ensure recipients shall only process the disclosed personal information in accordance with those purposes.

These third parties currently provide services for FAWCO and we have documented that they are GDPR compliant:

• MailChimp
• Google (Analytics)


Whom can you contact with questions, comments, or complaints?

Please contact with any questions, comments, or complaints. For issues logging in to the website, our web manager may also be contacted at .

Looking for more information?

The EU GDPR Information Portal

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