Spending Time in Space: The Impact on Astronaut Health

by Tharien van Eck, AWC Antwerp and Health Team Co-chair


health spaceNASA’s Human Research Program (HRP) has studied human health in space for many years, but few could have predicted that Butch Wilmore and Sunni Williams would be stranded in space for nine months. However, they are not the longest-serving astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS). Scott Kelly, Christina...


Preserving Cognitive Health as We Age

by Dr. Lucy Andrews, AW Aquitaine, and the Health Team


In today’s wHealth COGNITIVE CUPorld, we are constantly faced with environmental and psychological stressors that can have profound effects on our cognitive health. From the demands of daily life to the natural aging process, maintaining a sharp and resilient brain becomes more critical as we age. Dr. Lucy Andrews, an expert with...


Summary of Cervical Cancer/HPV Webinar

by Dr. Veronica Ventura, AWC Bern


Health cervical canver webinarThe recent webinar on cervical cancer and HPV was a well-attended event that provided valuable insights into the causes of cervical cancer, the link between HPV and cervical cancer, various screening methods, and the HPV vaccine. The session was fun and interactive, with many questions from attendees.

The webinar began with an overview...


My Personal Story: Scoliosis, Kyphosis, and more...

by Sotia Kythreoti, AWC Antwerp

health personal storyI’ve always considered myself a bit of a superhero. No, I can’t fly, and my X-ray vision hasn’t kicked in yet, even after all the many X-rays I’ve had (although that might be helpful for so many things in life!). But I do have a superpower that many people don’t see – an invisible disability. You...


“Fentanyl Babies” – What is Fetal/Infant Fentanyl Syndrome?

by Tharien van Eck, AWC Antwerp and Health Team Co-Chair


A novel syndrome associated with prenatal fentanyl exposure was highlighted in a 2023 article published in Genetics Medicine Open. This study identified various abnormalities in affected infants, including short stature, microcephaly, distinctive facial features, and other congenital anomalies. The article even includes images of the babies’ faces and feet.

health fentanylDespite...


What Do You Need to Know About Ozempic®?


by Dawn Pleasant Parker, American Women of the Aquitaine and Health Team Co-Chair


You can barely get through a day without hearing something about Ozempic® and similar drugs. Whether you’re on TikTok or other forms of social media, news about these medications seems to emerge constantly.

health ozempicIn the spirit of full disclosure, I am a Type 2 Diabetic who...

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