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    Tharien van Eck
    Target Program Chair
    AWC Antwerp

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    Martha Canning
    Target Health Education Chair
    AWC Amsterdam

    Target Program: Health

    FAWCO Sub Logos Target Program Health transparent

    "Promoting Well-Being and Healthy Lives for Women and Girls" was announced as the theme for the 2019-2022 FAWCO Target Program Health at the Biennial Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, on March 24, 2019.



    Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.

    – World Health Organization 


    A final wrap up on Target Program Health (TP4)  

    A few final words from Tharien van Eck, Target Chair TP4

    I recently read the following quote in Jane Goodall’s book, The Book of Hope, which is a wonderful and very appropriate summary of TP4. The quote reads: 

    "We need to have realistic goals to pursue, as well as realistic pathways to achieve them. In addition, we need the confidence that we can achieve these goals, and the support to help us overcome adversity." 

    We had goals, namely to create awareness and educate FAWCO members on various health-related topics and to raise funds for the Target Project, and we knew the pathways to help us in succeeding to do so. Then COVID-19 came along, and we had to navigate through an unknown scenario; the known pathways had to be thrown out of the window, and we had to find new solutions. With our confidence intact that we could make this work and the support of you, the FAWCO community, we overcame adversity and we grew stronger, united in the goal to support the TP4 Target Project, Safe Alternatives for FGM Elimination!    

    With your support, $177,413.25 was raised!  Thank you very much! 

    More information can be found on The FAWCO Foundation Club Donor Wall

    Target Project 2020-2022  

    S.A.F.E. (Safe Alternatives for Female Genital Mutilation) has been chosen as the FAWCO Target Project. 

    S.A.F.E. is a project of Hope for Girls and Women Tanzania - submitted by Jane Romain of the Munich International Women’s Club.

    Rhobi and girls  HOPE cropped logo 1  Rhobi 


    #fgm #endfgm #femalegenitalmutilation #women #girls #ididnotconsent


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    Female Genital Mutilation, as an issue, is connected to numerous Sustainable Development Goals:     

    SDG Icon 01 Poverty E SDG Icons 03 2 SDG Icon 02 Hunger SDG Icon 04 Education SDG Icon 05 Gender SDG Icon 10 Inequalities SDG Icon 16 Peace SDG Icon 17 Partnership

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