Mission Statement:

    The FAWCO Refugee Network (FRN) weaves the threads of our amazing FAWCO sisterhood of global citizens to inspire each other, share resources and to directly collaborate across club borders in support of the new neighbors in our communities who have arrived from distant and often dangerous places to begin new lives. 

    We do this in the spirit of generosity and with a desire to enrich the lives of others while also enriching our own.


    Introduction to FAWCO Refugee Network 

    Some articles by and about our members

    1.BCHR (Bahrain Center for Human Rights) Participates in Fawco Human Rights in Focus Virtual Conference, 11/16/2021, by Asma Darwish

    You can watch the recording here, it is the Day 1 Session 6 video (behind login).

    2. Bahrain’s 2011 Protests, Interview BBC Witness History, BBC World Service radio program, January 2022, by Asma Darwish 

    3. Series of four articles by Asma Darwish, AAWE Paris and Head of Communications at FRN: Did I Really Grow Into This Woman?

    Part 1/4 , Part 2/4Part 3/4Part 4/4

    4. Asma Darwish speaks at HRC47 Side Event on Torture

    5. Tutoring Sessions with Mahammad by Tara Scott, AWC Central Scotland

    5. Articles from and about Juliah Rais-Morres, Heidelberg International Women’s Club: Page 32-33, Food Eases Homesickness for Refugees and 
    Pages 15-17 Changing Lives One Curry at a Time 

    6. Here ia an article with information about starting your own Refugee Task Force in your oranization. 

    7. Here is an article about  Asma and a video intereview with her for World Refugee Day:



    FRN Goals & Objectives: 

    1. Offer a nimble forum for brainstorming on new activities and supporting each other with ideas and rapid response to questions while we evolve the ideas into implementation.  
    2. Share celebrations of activities in support of refugees feeling welcome in our communities especially including those that involve direct contact. We believe this will support refugees in feeling that they are accepted members of their new society and will allow them to be positive role models for other refugees and in so doing support a more positive and peaceful world for all!
    3. Be available to collaborate on activities across club borders (e.g. supporting individual refugees who may have a specific skill and/or talent like handcrafting skills, art, music, dance, literature, science, academic skills, etc) and would benefit from studying/working in another country where we have a FAWCO Club that could help them with this transition.
    4. Share educational information (e.g. MOOC on global migration, articles, lectures, films, etc).  


    A Brief History:

    The FAWCO Refugee Network was born in May 2018 after a workshop at the FAWCO IM in The Hague attended by 50 FAWCO members living around the world some of whom were already actively involved in projects with refugees in their home communities and beyond.  In 2019, one of the beautiful things that has emerged is hearing stories about friendships between FAWCO members and people who are refugees. We know of at least two women who were part of the recent refugee movement and are now active members of an AWC and we are very happy that they are now part of the FAWCO Refugee Network Leadership Team. 

    To get involved please join the FAWCO Refugee Network Facebook Group and you can also contact the FAWCO Refugee Network Leadership Team at


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