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    Region 1 (England, Scotland, Ireland) Meeting in Chilterns

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    REGION  1 MEETING (England, Scotland and Ireland) was hosted by Chilterns, England, on Saturday, October 12, 2013.  It was a major information and networking day for the Region.   Chilterns FAWCO Rep Maureen Rice welcomed and introduced Regional Coordinator Eileen Doyle, who outlined the purpose of the day. There were FAWCO speakers bringing the group up to date on FAWCO and Foundation initiatives as well as the Target Program, and excellent external speakers on Internet Security and Human Rights.  An informative, interesting and overall great day was had by all!

    Speaker Yalda Zand from Sante Fe Securities indicated ways of keeping network computer-safe.    Patti Shields discussed “Computer Business” and ideas for increasing membership, followed by Amy Patrick sharing important computer links.   Keynote Speaker Tahirih Danesh talked about Human Rights from Eleanor Roosevelt to present-day heroes.  Her main point was the importance of beginning a discourse on this subject and creating a value system, at a young age (before 5 yrs.), with our children.  The new Target Program was introduced by Target Chair Johanna Dishongh, and the group learned more about FAWCO and the FAWCO initiatives from FAWCO Board member Patti Meek and Foundation Board member Margaret Hilditch.  Nancy Ward, Betsy Speer and Cathy Marland contributed with information and ideas from FAWCO Youth Day to Volunteerism to a doable Charity Project.  We ended this great event with a view from Brussels, a presentation on the upcoming conference by Leslie Collingridge.  An informative, interesting and overall great day was had by all!

    Eileen_Doyle Nancy_Ward

    Click here for detailed report and meeting notes.



    CHILTERNS – 12 OCTOBER, 2013

    9:30 AM – 9:45AM          Welcome – Maureen Rice, Chilterns’ Host and Overview:

                                             Eileen Green-Doyle, FAWCO Reg. 1 Coordinator            

    9:45 AM – 10:15 AM       Speaker TBA:  Keeping Safe and Aware as a US Citizen Living Abroad

    10:15AM-10:45AM          FAWCO Presentation:  Patti Meek, FAWCO Board Secretary

    10:45AM-11:00 AM         FAWCO Target Program: Human Rights for Women

                                            Johanna Dishongh, FAWCO TARGET PROGRAM CHAIR

    11:15AM – 12:00PM       Human Rights:  Guest Speaker, Tahirih Danesh

    12:00PM- 12:20PM         FAWCO Foundation Presentation:  Margaret Hilditch, FAWCO Found. Board

    12:20PM – 12:30PM       FAWCO Youth Program:  Betsy Cook Speer, President of Surrey

                                            CLUB CHARITY:  Catherine Marland, FAWCO Rep for Surrey

    2:00PM-2:30PM              Communication – Computer Links – Tech Ideas

                                             Patti Shields, AWCD President and Amy Patrick, FAWCO Rep for NAC    

    3:00PM-3:15PM               Volunteerism:  Nancy Ward, FAWCO Health Team Chair

    3:30PM-5:00PM               Breakout Sessions

    5:00PM-5:15PM               Wrap Up:  Eileen Green-Doyle, FAWCO RC

    5:15PM-5:30PM               Looking Forward – FAWCO Conference – Brussels – March 2014

                                              Leslie Collingridge, FAWCO, Club Presidents Coordinator

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