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The 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC47) takes place in Geneva from June 21 - July 15. HRC47 will consider issues including systemic racism, police brutality and violence against peaceful protesters, sexual orientation and gender identity, violence and discrimination against women and girls, poverty, peaceful assembly and association, and freedom of expression. In June 2020, the Council convened a historic debate on “current racially inspired human rights violations, systemic racism, police violence  and violence against peaceful protests”. The Africa Group called on the Council to convene a commission of inquiry following the police murder of George Floyd and subsequent racial justice protests. Instead, HRC mandated the High Commissioner to prepare a report on systemic racism, human rights violations against Africans and people of African descent, and governments' responses to anti-racism protests. High Commissioner for Human Rights Michele Bachelet announced that the report will reflect the voices of victims of African descent, their families and communities. The High Commissioner will present the report to the Council on July 12, followed by an interactive dialogue.

During HRC47, there will also be debates on discrimination against women and girls, violence against women including its causes and consequences, and trafficking in persons, especially women and children. You can follow the HRC47 sessions on UN Web TV

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