2014 Region 2 - Come Out and Play

Region2-logo2014 FAWCO Region 2 Conference
October 10 - 12, 2014
Oslo, Norway




28-Conference-participants-web     29-Conference-participants-web

Saturday, October 11, 2014
8:15 Doors Open / Registration
Coffee and fruit

8:45 Welcome from the AWC Oslo
Rena Levin, AWC Oslo President
Kristin Haanæs, Regional Meeting Coordinator

9:00 – 9:45 Introduction to FAWCO
My-Linh Kunst, FAWCO President
Sallie Chaballier, FAWCO 2nd Vice President
Julia Goldsby, FAWCO Youth Ambassador

9:50 –10:25 “I sing, therefore I am”: Accessing resources at all stages of life - Audun Myskja, MD - click here to see his TED TALK

10:30 – 10:45 Coffee break
10:50 – 11:15 Let the Games Begin (Recess)

11:20 – 12:25 Playing with Words - Robin Meloy Goldsby, with hand-out.

12:30 – 13:55 Lunch / time to visit the Stave Church
(13:30 – 13:55 More Play-Time)

14:00 – 14:40 FAWCO and the UN - My-Linh Kunst, FAWCO President

14:45 – 15:25 The Right to Play - Katie Coughlin
                       Poem- State of Play

15:30 – 15:55 Coffee break
Photo Competition

16:00 – 16:55

The FAWCO Foundation - Michele Hendrikse Du Bois, The FAWCO Foundation President
The Target Project - Johanna Dishongh, Target Program Chair

17:00 – 17:15 Thank Yous and Closing business

19:00 Conference Dinner and Mingle
Hansen Hall
The American Lutheran Church
Fritzersgate 15 (off Bygdøy alle)


Sunday, October 12, 2014

10:30 - 12:30 Mini Amazing Race, Oslo
In keeping with our Play theme, the traditional sightseeing around Oslo on Sunday morning will be a “Mini Amazing Race.” With AWC Oslo members as guides, teams will learn about Norway by looking at local landmarks and recording answers to questions related to what they see. Prizes will be awarded to the team with the most correct answers.
Place: Meet in front of the National Theater

13:00 and 16:00 Benefi t Concerts- Piano Girl, Robin Goldsby
Place: Steinway Gallery Oslo, Stortingsgaten 30
A benefit piano concert supporting FAWCO’s Target Project, “Free the Girls: Fight Human Trafficking”. Robin Meloy Goldsby will be performing her Piano Girl, An Afternoon of Piano Music & Stories. So join us for a lovely afternoon of beautiful solo piano music and stories from Goldsby’s books, Piano Girl and Waltz of the Asparagus People. “Goldsby has a wicked sense of humor and a keen eye for the absurd.” Publishers Weekly Starred Review.

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