Spring Has Sprung & Education is Blooming Worldwide!

    Dear Friends,

    "The true purpose of education is to cherish and unfold the seed of immortality already sown within us." As the world "springs" into life and hope is renewed, this quote from Anna Jameson challenges us to seek and nurture our own educational quests, whatever form they may take.

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    To that end, we encourage everyone to participate in, either through actual or virtual attendance, the SDG Global Festival of Action, May 2‒4, 2019 in Bonn, Germany. This festival coincides with the Education Team's current theme of Global Citizenship, which highlights Sustainable Development Goal 4.7: By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender  equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture's contribution to sustainable development. If you are looking for ways to broaden your Global Citizenship base, we encourage you to check out UNESCO's work in this area for more information and actionable items.

    This month we continue our series Education Around the World: Countries A - Z.  Read about the challenges and triumphs of Qatar's educational system. Additionally, we are looking forward to unveiling our 3rd Annual Summer Global Book Read in June. Check back next month for a tantalizing quote to get you inspired!

    While we all continue to "bloom where we are planted," we would love to highlight YOUR CLUB'S "garden" in future publications. Please contact us at  so we can share your good news and hard work!

    As always, we invite you to read on!

    Arandeep Degun (AIWC Cologne) & Carol-Lyn McKelvey (AIWC Cologne & FAUSA)                                                                                          Education Team Co-Chairs

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