by Adrianne George, AWC Gothenburg, AWC Malmö, AWC Stockholm
Welcome to the 4th installment of valuable resources for you to use at home with your children. NEW THIS WEEK is Parallel Alternative Strategies for Students (PASS) for students with special learning needs; complete textbooks in downloadable form (PDF files) for all core subjects are available. These textbooks are written to help students with various learning needs and are presented in an easy-to-understand format. The PDFs are currently found in the search results from the ERIC educational database, so you will need to scroll through the various results to find the books that you need. As a BONUS in this installment, enjoy virtual tours of museums from all over the world!
YouTube Videos
Kids’ Songs ‒ Zoom Zoom Zoom I'm Going to the Moon by Alina Celeste ‒ Learn English
A music lesson | Instruments and musical figures for kids
Music Lesson Compilation for Kids ‒ Solfege, Rhythm, Colors ‒ Prodigies Music Curriculum
Evolution of Music ‒ Pentatonix
Learning Songs | ABCs, Colors, 123s, Growing-up And More! | Preschool Songs | From LittleBabyBum!
Stacey Peasley’s Soapy Bubbles, Rocketship, and Allergies
123 Andrés for videos in Spanish
Kitty ‒ Flor Bromley
Fun with Flor ‒ Kids’ Song: Open Shut Them ‒ Learn Spanish through Music
As long as schools are closed, Audible is offering free streaming of audiobooks through Audible Stories. You can stream to your desktop, laptop, mobile phone, or tablet.
Authors Read Books
Storytime with Nikolas Smith
Diane Alber reads A Little Spot Stays Home|
Oprah Winfrey reads Godin’s book, The Hula-Hoopin’ Queen, which is accompanied by a handy teacher’s guide.
Emory Global Health Institute
Emory University’s Global Health Institute commissioned illustrated ebooks about COVID-19 for children and here are the results:
COVID-19 Helpers by Beth Bacon and Kary Lee
Bray Bray Conquers the Coronavirus by Ashley Maxie-Moreman and Joanah Whitely
Together: Living Life During COVID-19 by Kevin Poplawski and Michael Rausch
We're Going to Be O.K. by Leigh-Ann Webb, Ebony Jade Hilton and Ashleigh Corrin Webb
The Yale Child Study Center & Scholastic Collaborative for Child and Family Resilience
First Aid for Feelings: A Workbook to Help Kids Cope During the Coronavirus Pandemic is available for free download in English, French, and Spanish.
How To Talk To Your Child About The Coronavirus
Communicate with your child with these clear, simple guides for different ages, available in English & Spanish.
What To Do When You’re Stressed Too
Use these strategies to reduce your own stress while parenting during the pandemic. Available in English and Spanish.
Family Resource Guide
A curated list of helpful links about the coronavirus for educators, families, and children.
Kid Reporters Ask The Experts About COVID-19
Scholastic’s Kid Reporters get their COVID-19 questions answered by experts from Yale. Download in English and Spanish.
- The Smithsonian Museum
- British Museum, London
- Musée d'Orsay, Paris
- National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul
- The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles
- Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
- Guggenheim Museum, New York
- MASP, São Paulo
- National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
- Pergamon Museum, Berlin
- The Louvre
- Historic Museums in Dubai (Thanks to Amelia for the suggestion!)
Click HERE for trips to different parts of the world, famous landmarks, beautiful works of art, historic marvels, science adventures and so much more! (A shout out to Sam and Jake for this great resource!)
TRIPLE BONUS: User-tested Virtual Field Trips from Lily Casal
Thanks to Lily (and the Girl Scout Troop Leader that inspired her!) for these great picks!
Click HERE for Interactive Historical Virtual Reality Field Trips!
Click HERE for Virtual COVID-19 Friendly Field Trips Around the World!
QUADRUPLE BONUS: User-tested Virtual Zoo-Based Field Trips from Kelly
Thanks to Library Media Specialist Ms. Gianaka and her students in Tennessee for using the resources we have shared, sharing them with others and for now sharing one of their own back to us! Libraries are the cog that make the wheel of educaiton turn and we are happy to support and amplify their messages!
Click HERE to learn about zoology and to be hooked up with zoo cams from around the world. Thanks Kelly!
*All pictures courtesy of Unsplash.