Awesome Blossoms Training Sessions in Financial Literacy and Hydroponic Farming Create Micro-Entrepreneurs

    by Hollie Nielsen, AWC Central Scotland


    In May, the Education Team is thinking about Sustainable Development Goal 4, Target 4.7: “By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles …”

    In addition, we continue to think about target 4.4: “By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.”

    Ed AB training 1 smallAwesome Blossoms (AB), FAWCO’s current Target Project, offers training courses that promote entrepreneurship as well as sustainable lifestyles. The 75 female micro-entrepreneurs and 45 female peer educators receive training in financial literacy and marketing in order to increase their entrepreneurial skills. These skills, in addition to their training in urban hydroponic farming, will promote sustainable lifestyles. Under the “Each One, Teach One” philosophy, the skills and learning will be shared widely in the community.  AB works to create a better future where women thrive, communities flourish and food security is achieved in an environmentally sensitive way. 

    Trinity Credit, a micro-financial institution specializing in credit facilities in Kenya, provides the financial literacy training. The training sessions will empower women from the Mathare community with essential financial knowledge and skills. The women will be equipped with practical tools for managing their finances effectively; they will also be able to use these tools when managing their hydroponic farms. The training provided by Trinity Credit includes interactive sessions, group discussions, and hands-on activities to ensure understanding and engagement. There will be quarterly follow-up sessions to reinforce the financial literacy concepts.

    The areas covered in the training include:

    1. Basic budgeting and money management
    2. Savings and emergency funds
    3. Banking and financial services
    4. Understanding credit 
    5. Investment and asset building
    6. Social and community support 
    7. Digital financial literacy

    ED AB training 2 smallIn addition to the financial literacy and marketing training, the women in the Awesome Blossoms program received vocational training in urban hydroponic farming from Hydroponics Africa Limited Kenya. This agribusiness training included:

    1. Hydroponic farming: Participants were trained in hydroponic farming, focusing on choosing suitable plants for urban environments and sustainable practices for hydroponic food system units.
    2.  Farm preparation and management: The training covered the entire hydroponic farming process, including farm preparation, installation, planting and ongoing management.
    3. Marketing: Participants gained insights into understanding local markets, mastering basic principles of selling vegetable produce, and building relationships with buyers.
    4. Women were educated on the importance of value addition to agricultural products and effective post-harvest management techniques.

    One of the micro-entrepreneurs said that the agribusiness hydroponic training “equipped her with valuable skills in crop management and efficient harvesting techniques.”

    In conclusion, the Awesome Blossoms Target Project aligns closely with Education SDG4. Not only does the program teach a sustainable lifestyle through urban hydroponic farming, but it also teaches vocational skills and financial literacy, which promote employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.


    References and further information:

    Awesome Blossoms Financial Literacy Training Partnership with Trinity Credit

    Financial Literacy Training – Awesome Blossoms video

    FAWCO Target Bulletins, in particular February and March (subscribe to receive the Target Bulletins)


    Photo credit: Safe Spaces Organization

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