FAWCO Foundaton - News You Can Use - February 2012

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    News You Can Use                                                                   February 2012

    Dear Michele,
    Development Grant Ballot Now Online

    It is time for your club to vote on the nominees for The Foundation Development Grants. There are seven categories this year, please vote for one nominee from each. We encourage you to read all of the nominee's profiles on the voting ballot, as each provides something special.
    Vote by submitting your ballot online - it takes only minutes.DG logo Development Grants are the heart of The Foundation's work. Thank you for taking the time to be a part of this process that helps so many philanthropic organizations.

    Foundation Night at the Dublin Conference

    Emerald Ring

    Win a One Carat Emerald Ring on the Emerald Isle

    Valued at approximately $4000, this one carat emerald ring with diamonds is absolutely stunning! Download tickets or purchase them online atwww.fawcofoundation.org

    There are 11 amazing LIVE AUCTION items, take a look

    We can't wait to see you "Over The Rainbow" at The Foundation Night, Friday March 23, 2012.   Click here for more details.

            Lucky FAWCO Limerickclover  

    Over the Rainbow there's never a care,
    So come all ye ladies, lovely and fair,
    Sing a song or drink a pint,
    Auctions galore on the night,
    We hope lots of funds to raise and share!

    Over the Rainbow is not to be missed
    Our lucky dip will have a new twist
    Balloons to pop
    Prizes non-stop
    Don't worry you'll get the gist!   

    Together we'll raise our voices in song
    Until the auction items are gone
    Silent Treasures
    Live Adventures
    We hope you will all come along

    May your hearts, spirits & pockets be open
    The Foundation programs need every token
    For Awards and NEEEDs
    Grants and good deeds
    We hope all records will be broken

    Our leprechaun seeks pots of gold
    To be filled from our FAWCO fold
    Whether Euro or dollar
    It's not a bother
    The benefits to others yet untold

    Over the Rainbow is our theme for the night
    Wear your favorite color - it'll be quite a sight.
    Red , orange, green or blue
    Or wear them ALL, - it's up to you
    Let's make it an evening to reach a new height

    Our live auction has trips galore
    They are so popular we need some more!
    Have a house to share?
    Or jewelry to wear?
    Let us know & we'll add to our store.

    The Emerald Isle deserves something green
    A raffle item like we've never seen
    An emerald ring
    With diamond bling
    If you win it you'll look like a queen!  

    The Proposed Slate for the 2012-2013 FAWCO Foundation Board 

    President- Michele Hendrikse DuBois, Munich IWC
    VP Communications- Cynthia Smith- Ayed, AIWC Casablanca
    VP Programs- Nan De Laubadére, AAWE Paris
    VP Fundraising- Suzanne Wheeler, AWC Brussels
    Secretary- Margaret Hilditch, Munich IWC
    Treasurer- Kathy Coughlan, AW Surrey

    Clarification of election process: In keeping with Missouri State Law concerning Foundations and in accordance with The FAWCO Foundation Bylaws, President, VP Communications, Secretary and Treasurer are elected by the voting delegates at the conference and VP Fundraising and VP Programs are elected by the outgoing Foundation Board.
    The FAWCO Foundation Nominating Committee:
    Committee Chair-Terri Knudsen (AWC Aarhus)
    Committee members- Arline Coward (BWN- Barcelona Women's Network), Georgia Regnault (AWC The Hague),Sallie Chaballier (AAWE Paris), Janelle Mason (AWC Basel/FAUSA)

    Like us on Facebook 

    The Foundation wants to reach1000 "likes" on Facebook. Please click on the link above and "like" us by clicking the like button.

    Join the conversation on Facebook! 

    Follow us on Twitter 

    Helpful Checklist
     check mark Vote! It's time to vote for 2012 Development Grants. Please choose one from each of seven categories.

    check mark

    Sell! The beautiful Friendship Quilt will be raffled off in Dublin.
    Tickets for the "Sweet Water" quilt can be download fromThe Foundation Website (or purchased online).

    check markSell! 1 Carat Emerald 
    with Diamonds Ring, raffle tickets are available for your club members, friends and family - only 12 euros per ticket (or $15 online)! Tickets can also be purchased via paypal on The Foundation Website.

    check markThe Foundation always appreciates donations for theSilent Auction, which will take place at the Dublin Conference. Contact Ann De Simoni if you have questions.

    Dress in Color
    Dublin Conference Logo
    Light up The Foundation evening at the Dublin Conference.

    Dress in one radient color or multicolored; classic or gaudy; help us light up the room on March 23rd for one brilliant night! 

    Doing any Shopping Online?

    Do you buy books on Amazon, clothes at LL Bean or book hotel stays online?
    There are over 900 retailers, which will pay The Foundation every time you shop online, and you don't have to pay a cent more.

    Simply register with iGive and help The Foundation fund development grants, education awards and other worthy projects and programs. 

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