The FAWCO Foundation - News You Can Use -Feb 2013


    News You Can Use                                              February 2013

    Development Grant Ballot Now Online

    DG map
    It is time for your club to vote on the nominees for The Foundation Development Grants. There are seven categories this year, please vote for one nominee from each. We encourage you to read all of the nominee's profiles on the voting ballot, as each provides something special.
    Vote by submitting your  ballot online - it takes only minutes. Development Grants are the heart of The Foundation's work. Thank you for taking the time to be a part of this process that helps so many philanthropic organizations.

    Light Up the Foundation Evening at the Bern Conference

    Win Diamond Earrings!!

    14 k white gold diamond earrings. Total weight .75 carat or greater, Absolutely stunning!   Download tickets or purchase them online at  
    There are many amazing LIVE AUCTION items, take a look.

    We can't wait to see you at The Foundation Night, Friday March 8, 2013.    


                          ORDERS OF THE ROUND TABLE


    It is known that not all good people will make it to the evening of merrymaking. It is also known that some good people will wish to participate in helping FAWCO programs even more. Know ye that there is now an implement in place whereby these wishes can be granted. Join ye now the Knights of the Round Table Orders. Your contributions matter to FAWCO core programs!

    $40 - $100 = Benefactor of the Order of the White Ribbon

    receives 2 quilt raffle tickets and 1 diamond earring raffle ticket 

    $101 - $200 = Benefactor of the Order of the White Feathers receives 5 quilt raffle tickets and 3 diamond earring raffle tickets

    $201 - $300 = Benefactor of the Order of the White Lace receives 5 quilt raffle tickets and 5 diamond earring raffle tickets

    $301 - up = Benefactor of the Order of the White Rose receives 7 quilt raffle tickets and 7 diamond earring raffle tickets

    The Nominating Committee is Proud to Announce the Slate for the 2013-2015 FAWCO Foundation Board 

    President- Michele Hendrikse DuBois, Munich IWC
    VP Communications- Cynthia Smith- Ayed, AIWC Casablanca
    VP Programs- Nan De Laubadére, AAWE ParisFAUSA
    VP Fundraising- Suzanne Wheeler, AWC Brussels
    Secretary- Margaret Hilditch, Munich IWC
    Treasurer- Kathy Coughlan, AW SurreyFAUSA 

    As you are aware, last year we had an unusual election in that we were electing the Board for only 1 year. This was done to bring the election years of FAWCO and The FAWCO Foundation into alignment. Kathy Coughlan, Treasurer, was re-elected to that Board. Our By-laws specify that each Board member can serve only 2 consecutive terms in each position. The by-laws have been rewritten to specify that each member may serve 2 consecutive 2-year terms. Therefore Kathy has been able to continue on with the present Board as they progress onto another term.

    The By-laws of the FAWCO Foundation also specify that the VP Fundraising and the VP Programs are elected by the outgoing Foundation Board Directors. The remaining 4 Board members are elected by the FAWCO members.  

    The 4 candidates we are asking you to vote on at the Bern Conference are:

    President: Michele Hendrikse Du Bois, Munich IWC

    VP Communications Cynthia Smith-Ayed,  AIWC Casablanca

    Treasurer: Kathy Coughlan,  AW of Surrey, FAUSA

    Secretary: Margaret Hilditch, Munich IWC

    Some of the members are on the move geographically but they are committed to continue working together as a team to serve The Foundation. The position of Parliamentarian is appointed at the discretion of the elected President. Michele is pleased that Elsie, a Foundation Counselor, is willing to continue on the Board despite her recent relocation to Dubai.

    It is with great pleasure that we submit this outstanding list of candidates for The 2013-2015 FAWCO Foundation Board.

    Melissa Mash,  AW Surrey - Chair

    Arline Coward - Barcelona Women's Network

    Louise Greeley-Copley - AW of Eastern Province

    Janet Darrow-Winter - FAUSA

    Dolores Cuellar - AW Bogota

    Clarification of election process: In keeping with Missouri State Law concerning Foundations and in accordance with The FAWCO Foundation Bylaws, President, VP Communications, Secretary and Treasurer are elected by the voting delegates at the conference and VP Fundraising and VP Programs are elected by the outgoing Foundation Board. 

    Like us on Facebook 

    The Foundation wants to reach1000 "likes" on Facebook. Please click on the link above and "like" us by clicking the like button.

    Join the conversation on Facebook! 

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    Helpful Checklist
      DG map 

    It's time to vote for 2013 Development Grants. Please choose one from each of seven categories.
    FF Quilt 2013


    The beautiful Friendship Quilt will be raffled off in Bern.
    Tickets for the "Time" quilt can be download from The Foundation Website (or purchased online).

    Diamonds Earring, raffle tickets  are available for your club members, friends and family - only $15 or 12 euros per ticket!
    Tickets can also be purchased via paypal on  The Foundation Website.
    The Foundation always appreciates donations for the Silent Auction, which will take place at the Bern Conference. We also need small items for the Lucky Dip.
    Contact Suzanne Wheelerif you have questions.

    The FAWCO Foundation's Fun-raising evening
    Light up The Foundation evening at the Bern Conference.

    19:00- Reception/Silent Auction
    20:00- Dinner/Live Auction

    Dress in white! 
    Help us celebrate Knights in White Satin March 8, 2013 

    Doing any Shopping Online?

    Do you buy books on Amazon, clothes at LL Bean or book hotel stays online?
    There are over 900 retailers, which will pay The Foundation every timeyou shop online, and you don't have to pay a cent more.

    Simply register with iGive and help The Foundation fund development grants, education awards and other worthy projects and programs. 


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