
Beware the Stone Age: Musings from COP28

by Sheila Doucet, AAWE Paris


It was Day 10 of the 12-day conference. Days filled with morning caucus meetings focusing on the latest developments on critical flashpoints, information, panels, press conferences, discussions, extraordinary rencontres. We had a couple of minutes before heading to the People’s Plenary. The on-site location we happened upon was attractive and decorated with sleek posters...


FAWCO at the Bonn Climate Change (SB-58) Meeting in June

By Ayuska Motha, AIWC Cologne and FAWCO UNFCCC Representative


During this past summer, three FAWCO delegates (Stacey Kimmig, Carmen-Jeanette Stepek and myself) attended the Bonn Climate Change Meeting, also called SB-58.

On November 1, the UN Rep team hosted a virtual session entitled “The Road to COP28 (Conference of the Parties) in Dubai: Chat with Delegates of the Bonn...


UN Sustainable Development Goals Reach the Halfway Mark

by Susan Alexander, AWC Bern


Env article SDG progress 1The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals were established in 2015 as part of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; the world is now at the halfway point to reaching those goals. How are we doing, in terms of reaching the goals on time?

It depends on who you ask. 

Events in the last...


Hydroponics in Our Backyards

By Sheila Doucet, AAWE Paris, with help from Yolanda Henry, FAUSA


hydroponics (n): “process of growing plants without soil,” 1937, formed in English from hydro- “water” + “ponics,” from the Greek ponein “to labor.”

Source: Online Eytmology Dictionary


As was so eloquently explained in last May’s Global Issues Digest article featuring our current environment target project “Awesome Blossoms,” hydroponics...


Recycling with TerraCycle

by Valerie Garforth, FAUSA 


If you are concerned about the amount of waste we are producing and are trying to make a difference in your own life, you probably compost your organic waste, recycle clean glass, metal cans, and #1 and #2 plastic. You put out a small amount of “non-recyclables” for the trash because what else can you...


Bee My Honey

by Liz Janson, FAUSA


Honey bees are fascinating creatures! They are social insects, communicating through complex methods of chemicals (pheromones, involved in almost all aspects of their lives), waggle dances and using touch, vibration and their sense of smell in the dark hive. Waggle dances are performed by foraging bees who return to the hive to tell their sisters...


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