The American Domestic Violence Crisis Line (formerly American Women Overseas) operates the only international toll free domestic violence crisis line in the U.S. for abused American women and children living in foreign countries. With funding, this organization is hoping to start an Outreach Program in the spring of 2004. Should this materialize, the group would like to coordinate presentations/visits to FAWCO Clubs about the resources that they offer battered women and children overseas. An Outreach Coordinator would also be able to provide confidential one-on-one domestic violence advocacy. The new website, along with the new name and identity, was launched in July. The outreach efforts have been made possible by grants recently received from Yoko Ono's Spirit Foundation, The Oak Foundation in Switzerland, The Mary Byron Foundation and The Sunshine Peace Foundation. For more information please contact Paula Lucas, Founder/Executive Director of The American Domestic Violence Crisis Line at email: or visit