
Self-Care Coach

by Danielle Kuznetsov, AWO Moscow

Becoming your Personal Self-Care Coach

If you Google “benefits of self-care and well-being,” there are over one million responses that come up. It might be safe to say that SELF Care is an issue we are all dealing with! To save you some time, here are the overall elements of self-care: 

  • You matterBeing aware of and caring for our emotions. Being quick to pay attention to sources of stress.
  • Creating a safe and nurturing environment
  • Plenty of daily healthy body movement and proper sleep
  • Planning well financially 
  • Eating nutritious foods that fuel our bodies
  • Having meaningful work to do
  • Spending time with those we love and those that lift us up
  • Being spiritually intentional to cultivate an inner world of peace

Instead of buying more books on the HOW TO, trying to make your habits atomic overnight, or practicing daily affirmations, journaling or changing your career, I suggest doing some research into the WHO TO. I learned this in my coaching classes, and it was the greatest challenge for my mind to accept. Human beings are not always so good at B-E-I-N-G humans. We forget the WHO that lives inside us.

 Self-care requires reflection. Here are three coaching questions that can start you off:

  1. Who am I?
  2. What is my purpose? or What do I want?
  3. How do I live it? or How do I get it?

Because at times we forget WHO we are and we need to take some time to find out. Listed below are a few resources for you to use to reacquaint yourself to your I AM.

1. Big Five personality test 

2. Kindness Challenge 

3. Disc personality test 


Ultimately, creating a heart space of unconditional love takes a lifetime to master. Take your time. It will be worth it.


Photo credit: Jon Tyson for Unsplash

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