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by Pam Perraud, AAWE Paris/FAUSA & UN Representative

Defending the Right to Education

In honor of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from October 15 - December 18, UNESCO is running a digital campaign, #RightToEducation, highlighting the work UNESCO does related to education. UNESCO staff works to encourage states to make the right of a quality...


Equal Access - The Stark Statistics & How to Close the Gap

We Are All Sisters

By Anne-Marie B. Tracey, AWC London

Despite some of the more polarizing gender politics at play in conversation recently on both sides of the Atlantic, most of the native and residence countries of our readership will be located in Groups 1 or 2 on the Gender Development Index – quantifying our privilege of having had quite similar...


M is for Malawi

Map MalawiMalawi is landlocked, sharing borders with Mozambique, Zambia and Tanzania. Although Malawi has been able to make important economic and structural reforms and sustain its economic growth rates over the last decade, poverty remains widespread, and the economy is undiversified and vulnerable to external shocks (health and weather). The country’s development is guided by a series of five-year growth and development strategies,


UNESCO - World Teachers’ Day 2018

Since 1994 the world has celebrated World Teachers’ Day on October 5.  That day marks the adoption of the international benchmarks of rights and responsibilities of teachers.  It outlines the standards for the initial preparation as well as further education, recruitment, employment and teaching conditions for teachers everywhere.

In honor of the 70th anniversary of the signing of the UN...


Equal Access to Quality Education

I grew up in the United States. I attended kindergarten and public schools and then continued my education at university. My graduating class in high school in 1977 was over 500 students, without a single student of color. Through no fault of my own, I grew up in a pre-baked “white bread” American dream education system that eventually led me...


L is for Lebanon

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Located on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea between Israel and Syria, Lebanon is one of the smallest countries in the Middle East by area. It gained independence from France in 1943. Despite its compact size, Lebanon has played an important role in regional politics, security and commerce throughout its history. It has a history rich in cultural heritage...

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