
What Is Life Like for Women and Girls in Mathare?

by Marelie Manders, Heidelberg IWC


The new FAWCO Target Project, Awesome Blossoms, is a part of the Safe Spaces community-based organization and aims to expand on growing vegetables using hydroponics in the Mathare slum area of Nairobi. What is impressive is that this project addresses a great number of the Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs: 1, 3, 4, 5, 8,


CSW67: An Interview with Alex Vo

by Mary Manning, Heidelberg IWC


The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) was held March 6–17 in New York. This was the 67th edition, and its themes were Innovation and Technological Change as well as Education in the Digital Age. I spoke with Alex Vo, FAWCO’s UN Liaison, to learn more about this important event.


Q: Can...


Enjoy an International Women’s Film Festival Online!

by Jody McBrien, AWG Paris

This year marks the 24th anniversary of the international Through Women’s Eyes film festival, sponsored by a non-profit organization in Sarasota, Florida. Since COVID-19, the group has brought these international films into people’s homes through streaming video. The benefit is that viewers from anywhere in the world can enjoy cutting-edge narratives and documentaries by women...


Five Signs of Healthy Relationships

by Karen Castellon, Human Rights Chair Team Co-Chair, FAUSA & AWC Berlin


Relationships with others are important. Sometimes we don’t value those community relationships until we really need a larger circle of caring humans. In early 2023, many of us are dusting off our social skills as we begin venturing outside “beyond Zoom” to renew relationships and create a...


Pathways to Safety Task Force Opportunity

by Karen Castellon, AWC Berlin and FAUSA, Human Rights Team Co-Chair


Paula Lucas, founder of Pathways to Safety, invites a member of FAWCO to participate in a task force that will interface with the Office of Victims of Crime (US Department of Justice) on behalf of Pathways to Safety. The OVC has funded Pathways for 10 years, but has...



by Ulrike Näumann, Heidelberg IWC


“Abolish prostitution” is Huschke Mau’s statement after 10 years of fighting to get out of the field of prostitution. 

The first time I learned about human trafficking was during the 2016 FAWCO Symposium “Stand up against Human Trafficking! Be an Everyday Hero!” held in Amsterdam. This experience was like entering a parallel world in...


Ending Violence Against Women is a Committee of the Human Rights Team, addressing issues of domestic violence and sex trafficking, as well as other forms of violence against women. The Ending Violence Team was created in April 2008 to address issues of domestic violence, human trafficking and sexual exploitation in order to increase awareness and empower those women and children affected. Over the years, the Team has put a spotlight on the issues to get people talking about them. We also promote tangible actions that we can all take to help eradicate these forms of violence. When you look at the facts you see that we still have a long way to go.

1 in 3 women has been sexually assaulted in her lifetime;

Rape continues to be used as a weapon during war and conflict;

Globalization and climate change are having the most profound impacts on women and children who are disproportionately displaced and left without options;

Gender-based violence is an affliction that millions of women and children suffer in silence and shame. Many become victimized by those who are supposed to love and protect them. 

Please share these three one-page information sheets on issues of Domestic Violence, how you can help victims of Domestic Violence, and global issues of Violence Against Women with your club members. 

For a worldwide listing of domestic violence agencies, see the Hot Peaches website

You'll find a link to the Americans Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center (AODVC) website on our homepage under Domestic Violence. 

For more information or to get involved, contact the Committee Co-Chairs.

Co-Chair, Global Issues, Tonya Teichert at 

Tonya Teichert (AWC The Taunus)

Co-Chair, Global Issues

Co-Chair, Domestic Violence and AODVC Liaison, Karen Lewis at aodvc@fawco.org.

Karen Lewis (FAUSA)

Co-Chair, Domestic Violence and AODVC Liaison

Women Peace and Security is a committee within the Human Rights Team. Its goal is to raise awareness about violence against women in conflict zones and the role of women in the peace-keeping process.

The theme of women and conflict resonates with the very origins of FAWCO. According to The Red Book, FAWCO: A History 1931-2011:
Caroline Curtis Brown founded FAWCO on the belief that "enlightened women, working cooperatively throughout the world, could do much to help achieve permanent international peace; and that this was especially true of American women living abroad who had acquired special experience in living in foreign lands among foreign people and foreign customs. Their American clubs not only provided a home away from home, she felt, but also served to promote sympathetic awareness of the needs and problems in countries other than the United States."  Our founder's words are perhaps even more relevant today than in her own time. In our globally connected world, wars have a real impact on the lives of all of us, even when they occur in a distant land. A peaceful world benefits everyone.



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