
Position Description- UN NGO Advocate


UN NGO Advocate

As a member of the UN NGO Team, the UN NGO Advocate will report to the UN NGO Director and  will expected to fulfill the following role:
  • To provide a direct communication link with their local club and the FAWCO NGO team on issues related to the UN and other NGO activities.
  • To work as a...

Position Description- UN NGO Representative

UN NGO Representative

FAWCO is regularly invited to NGO events sponsored by the Department of Information (DPI) and ECOSOC. As a recognized NGO, FAWCO also gets invitations to attend UN conferences and outside symposiums that occur throughout the year in various locations around the world.  FAWCO is also a member of several NGO committees like the CSW (Committee on the...



Did you know that as a member of a FAWCO club you are a member of a United Nations Non-Governmental Organization?

The United Nations is sometimes referred to as the planet’s town hall. Virtually all the world’s problems are studied, discussed, negotiated and acted upon here. FAWCO is excited to be a part of this organization as an accredited Non...


FAWCO's NGO Status

What is an NGO?
An NGO is a non-governmental organization which is permitted to participate in United Nations related activities as stated in Chapter 10, Article 71 of the United Nations Charter. NGO's can perform a variety of services and humanitarian functions, including information dissemination, awareness raising, policy advocacy and provide technical expertise and collaboration with UN agencies and programs.


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