COP23 – The First Week

By Stacey Kimmig

The first week of COP 23 is over, and it has been a busy and exciting week! It is sometimes overwhelming trying to decide what meetings and events to attend and what issues to follow, as well as support the Women and Gender Constituency in their advocacy work. After the opening ceremony, meetings started with a flurry.

COP23 - Week One

By Ayuska Motha, November 12, 2017

Stacey Kimmig and I have been attending the 23rd Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

in Bonn this past week. For the first time ever, a small island nation Fiji, is presiding, although the COP is being held in Germany. FAWCO is fortunate to be one of the 27 member organizations...

Changing Diets to Fight Global Climate Change?

by UN Rep Ayuska Motha

We have all seen, heard, and read the scary data on the undeniable effects of global climate change and are feeling alarmed and powerless as we watch President Trump attempting to reverse all environmental progress we have been making. So, what can YOU specifically do to reduce your carbon footprint* and do your bit toward steering...

Gender Action Plan Workshop at the UN Climate Change Conference, Bonn, May 2017

by UN Reps Stacey Kimmig and Ayuska Motha

Although we have been sitting in on many sessions dealing with different environmental topics, the most important so far has been the Gender and Climate Change Workshop. The goal of the two-day workshop was to develop elements of a Gender Action Plan under the UNFCCC. The first session was opened by the Executive...

Woman and Gender Constituency Pre-Conference Workshop on Women, Climate Change and Advocacy

Before the conference, Stacey Kimmig (AIWC Cologne) attended a workshop on gender justice in international climate politics to introduce advocacy at the Climate Change Conference. The workshop included activists from around the world from organizations which have joined together as the Women and Gender Constituency (WGC). The Constituency increases each group’s voice on gender issues relating to climate change. The...

Reports from UNFCCC Climate Change Conference in Bonn

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international environmental treaty which entered into force in 1994. The UNFCCC objective is to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous man made interference with the climate system.The framework did not set limits on greenhouse gas emissions and had no enforcement mechanisms.



 COP26 cover photo 2021


In 2015, FAWCO's UN Reps Team and Environment Team collaborated to inform FAWCO members about the proceedings of the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP21) held in Paris from November 30 to December 11, 2015. The UN Climate Conference in Paris was of historic importance. While no one from the UN Reps Team or Environment Team were able to attend the Conference, we reported on what was happening. In addition to general background information on UNFCCC (and definitions of the UN’s alphabet soup of abbreviations), we posted summaries of previous UN environment meetings. 
In 2016, motivated by the interest of members of AIWC Cologne, FAWCO applied for Observer status at the UNFCCC so our UN Reps could participate in Climate Change Conference sessions in Bonn. We were granted Observer status and three members of FAWCO's UN Reps Team attended meetings in Bonn in May 2017. FAWCO joined the Women and Gender Constituency of Observer NGOs at the UNFCCC and will continue our coverage of and involvement with the climate conference process. 


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