
Could My Project be the Target Project for the Environment?

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Our Natural Environment: Empowering Women and Girls to Ensure a Sustainable Future

Do you know of a project that would be a good candidate to be the next Target Project? 

Are you involved with an organization that is working to improve the lives of women and girls, men and boys in an environment-related area? 

An information packet has been compiled for you to share with the organization you wish to nominate, so that they can better understand what our organizations and the Target Program are all about. It includes an introduction to FAWCO, The FAWCO Foundation and the Target Program. 

Keep reading to learn more about the Target Project Information Packet which will be available here on the FAWCO website beginning on March 7, 2022 at 8am CET. 


A Brief Reminder of Target Terminology 

Target Program

The full program cycle includes several phases: Target Issue Selection, Target Project Selection, Target Issue Education and Awareness, Fundraising, and Review. Cycles will run consecutively to provide a one-year break between fundraising phases.

Target Focus

The overarching goal of all Target Programs is to improve the lives of Women and Girls.

Target Issue

A specific issue which addresses the Target Focus: education, environment, health, or human rights.

Target Project

This is the project we support through fundraising.

Target Issue Education and Awareness

Educating and promoting awareness of the Target Issue. 

The Target Program’s goals for 2022–2025 will be to address transformative projects that will focus on the environment and improve the lives of women and girls with particular emphasis on targets outlined in goals SDG6, SDG7, SDG11, SDG12, SDG 13, SDG14 or SDG15. The projects could tackle the loss of biodiversity, the climate crisis or waste pollution: 

  • Some specific examples, but not limited to these, are the preservation of plant or animal species, mitigation of desertification or flooding, promotion of native plants or regenerative agriculture, and reduction of waste in our atmosphere, land and water.
  • Also, consider how a project may improve the lives of women and girls. Polluted water kills 1.8 million people, mostly children; women represent 80% of those displaced by climate disasters, and 700 million suffer from hunger. 
  • A transformative project for women and girls could elevate their health and well-being, educate and introduce new skills and in the process, reduce inequalities. 
  • The Target Project is an investment in the future of women and girls in harmony with nature. 


A Brief Introduction 

The Information Packet contains an introduction to the Target Program, a sample of the Application Packet including a timeline, and more. Please share these documents with the organization you wish to nominate as a candidate. This packet outlines our goals and expectations for a successful Target Project. When you are ready, you can request the official application using the link at the end of this document.

The revised application will be a two-phase process, a request for additional documentation to both verify information and assess protection policies, and templates to help ensure standardization of information that is being provided.

Make the strongest case you can for your project, keeping in mind that all the requested information is important. Please note that the following are non-negotiable:  

  • The project’s impact must be on the Target Issue: Our Natural Environment: Empowering Women and Girls to Ensure a Sustainable Future.
  • The project’s budget should be in line with the established fundraising goal of $140,000.
  • The project should be easy to understand and communicate to the FAWCO membership. 
  • There must be clear guidance on how you would work with the Target Chair to promote and raise awareness of this project to FAWCO Member Clubs.

There are a number of additional guidelines and Selection Criteria that you can find in the Information Packet. Please make sure to read through these. If your project does not satisfy these important aspects, it is not appropriate for the 2022 – 2025 Target Program.


Commitment and Collaboration

The Information Packet includes a sample of the Statement of Agreement, which outlines the expectations, roles and responsibilities of all parties. FAWCO and The FAWCO Foundation require a two-year commitment. The signature of a representative from your project’s organization to confirm their understanding and agreement will be required on the Signature Page. 


What type of project is FAWCO looking for?

We do not have a preconceived idea of what the next Target Project will be. If you can answer the questions in the application, then you should be on the right track. Don’t worry about fitting your project into a box, as we are eager to learn about creative and dynamic projects.

Remember, your fully completed application of Phase I must be received by midnight (your time) on AUGUST 31, 2022. (changed from July)

Plan your time well, and allow a few days at the end of your process for a final review and to get everything in the proper format for submission.

The Target Project Information Packet will be available on March 7, 2022 at 8am CET. 

If we did not answer your question, please contact Tharien van Eck, TP5.0 Selection Chair at


Best wishes in the application process!  

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