Awareness Ideas for Target Water Project make your club aware - April 2012

    Awareness Ideas for Target Water Project - make your club aware! Downloadable PDF




    #1 - Tie a little blue ribbon …

    Try telling a story like this at your next club meeting and pass out a little blue ribbon to all those in attendance:

    A couple weeks ago, I walked into the dressing room of the sport school I belong to and heard women talking about there being no water. There was apparently a problem with the water mains in Tilburg and since I was drenched in sweat after my exercise class, the prospect of “no shower” was not good. Luckily, I am a resourceful person and quickly realized I had my swim suit with me, so I freshened up in the pool. Not perfect, but OK. I stopped at the grocery store on the way home and also bought some flowers, not thinking about the lack of water until I turned on the faucet to fill the vase at home. Hummm…this was a problem, but since I am a resourceful person, I remembered the bottle of tap water I keep in the refrigerator and filled the vase with that. Instead of washing my apple off before eating it, I just buffed it off on a clean towel. Up till now, I was feeling quite satisfied with how I was dealing with the no-water crisis, but things went downhill rapidly after that. Flushing the toilet could be done - only once – but there was no water to wash my hands. I only realized “throwing a load of laundry in” wasn’t an option until I tried to turn on the washing machine. I could not wash the vegetables for dinner…but realized I had no water to cook them in either! I cut up onions and fish for our meal before I realized I had no water to wash my smelly hands. I was cursing the city and hoping the problem would be fixed soon when I thought about the poor villagers in Cambodia who have no water…ever! The thought was very humbling for me and I felt re-committed to working to provide water for these families through the Target Program.

    How about you? Do you appreciate your water supply? I challenge you to tie a little ribbon on your water faucets at home – every time you turn them on and see that ribbon, it will remind you how difficult your life would be if nothing came out of the faucet.

    #2 - Glitter shows the importance of washing up w/ clean water & soap

    The alternative I heard of was to apply a bit of hand lotion & work it in.  Then sprinkle glitter all over your hands. Then go about your activities at your club meeting; touch the door knobs, light switches, scratch an itch, shake hands with others, etc... Here is a link to a similar program: (Note: It might be a challenge to clean up!)

    #3 Water awareness quiz (attached)


    #4 – Would you drink this water?

    This one is all about awareness! Fill a plastic water bottle w/ water from a lake, canal, etc. in your area (best if it isn’t too clean a source) and put a sticker on it, “Would you drink this water?” Carry it around with you at your club function, set it in front of you on the table, and make sure people can see it. When they comment on it (“Eeuw…gross!”) tell them how many people have to make due with water from a local source that is unclean and lucky them if they don’t have to walk kilometers to get it! There is a page of information on the website ( that can be printed out with information on the problems of an unsafe source of water. There is also a page with: Would you drink this water? and labels that can be printed out on a self-stick page for use on the water bottles.

    #5 – Bucket Demo

    An impressive demonstration about the available amount of water for human consumption using a bucket of water, removing portions according to amounts of sea, glacier, atmosphere, and land water can be found by visiting:

    You could do this as an activity to start a discussion or as a short segment at the beginning of a club meeting. You will need a 5 gallon bucket, measuring cup for at least 2¼ cups, 2 clear glass jars with dark lines drawn on for 1½ cups and ¼ cup, and an eye-dropper. After you are done, let the containers stand as a powerful message. (This is also a good activity to do with children.)


    # 6 – Water challenge – what can you give up or reduce?

    Now is the time to think about the personal water choices you make and see if there is some behavior you can alter to become a better water steward. Make an individual challenge, or as a club or region to improve. What could it be?: take short showers, only run the washing machine/dishwasher when they are completely full, give up disposable water bottles and refill a nice bottle with tap water, turn the water off when brushing your teeth and use a glass rather than leaving the water running, re-use vegetable rinse water to water your garden plants…


    #7 – Water purification in your area

    Plan a speaker for a monthly meeting from your local water purification plant so your members can get a better understanding of exactly what it takes to make the water that flows from their taps safe to drink. Or, better yet, why not organize a trip to the local water treatment plant for members and their families.

    Water Trivia Quiz


    1. How much of the Earth’s water is salt water?

    2. Name the largest and smallest oceans on the planet.

    3. Diarrhea kills more people annually than HIV/AIDS.   True     False  (circle correct answer)

    4. What is the name of America’s most beloved geyser and where is it located?

    5. Which US state boasts the longest coast line?

    6. How far must many women/girls in water scarce regions walk to get water?

                _____ 2 km                           _____ 6 km

                _____ 4 km                           _____ 7 km  

    7. Where is the rainiest place in the world located?

    8. How long can a person live without water?

                _____ 4 days                        _____9 days

                _____ 7 days                        _____ 11 days

    9. How much of the human brain is water?

    10. How many gold medals did Michael Phelps win at the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in China?

    11. What is the international minimum daily requirement (for one person)?

    12. How much water does the average American use each day? (in liters)

                _____ 275 liters                    _____ 475 liters

                _____ 375 liters                    _____ 575 liters

    13. What percentage of our water use is locked in food production?

                _____ 40%          _____ 50%       _____ 60%        _____ 70% 

    14. Rank these rivers according to length: (1 longest, 4 shortest)

    _____ the Amazon                _____ the Mississippi

    _____  the Mackenzie                       _____ the Nile

    15. Crossword clue: a large domicile’s aquatic barrier. 4 letters.

    16. Does glacial ice last longer in a drink?

    17. By which year is it estimated that approximately half of the world’s population will be vulnerable to water shortage?

                _____ 2020                           _____ 2030

                _____ 2025                           _____ 2035

    18. What is a blizzard with lighting called?

    19. The name for a partly closed collection of coastal water with one or more fresh water sources flowing into it.

    20. Red snow smells like watermelon and tastes delicious.  True   or   False  (circle one)

    21. Himalayan glacial melt is threatening the continued flow of which two giant rivers in Asia?

    22. In a 100 year period, how much time does a water molecule spend:

                a) in the ocean

    b) as ice

                c) in lakes and rivers

                d) In the atmosphere

    23. If you are standing on your waterski with your right foot in front of you, you are said to be what?

                _____ Right footed _____ Left footed     _____ Goofy footed

    24. Name the three of the five parts of the water cycle. (2pts for all five!)

    25. If an astronomer born on Valentine’s Day learns that it dawned Off-Broadway in 1967 and that we may be shifting into it again, what is it?



    Water Trivia Quiz


    1. How much of the Earth’s water is salt water? 97.5%

    2. Name the largest and smallest oceans on the planet. (2pts)

    Largest – Pacific     Smallest – Arctic

    3. True or False: Diarrhea kills more people annually than HIV/AIDS. True

    4. What is the name of America’s most beloved geyser and where is it located? (2pts)

                Old Faithful, Yellowstone National Park

    5. Which US state boasts the longest coast line? Alaska

    6. How far must many women/girls in water scarce regions walk to get water? 6km

    7. Where is the rainiest place in the world located? The world's rainiest place is Mt. Wai'ale'ale, Kauai, Hawaii. During an average year, there are only 15 dry days.

    8. How long can a person live without water? 3-5 days

    9. How much of the human brain is water? 77%

    10. How many gold medals did Michael Phelps win at the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in China.


    11. What is the international minimum daily requirement (for one person)?

                20 liters/person is needed for drinking and basic hygiene

    12. How much water does the average American use each day? (in liters) 375 liters

    13. How much of our water use is locked in food production? 2/3

    14. Rank these rivers according to length: the Amazon, the Mississippi, the Mackenzie and the Nile     1-Nile, 2-Amazon, 3-Mississippi, 4-Mackenzie

    15. Crossword clue: a large domicile’s aquatic barrier. 4 letters.  Moat

    16. Does glacial ice last longer in a drink? Yes, because the ice crystals are larger. Crystals melt from the outside and large crystals expose less surface area per unit volume of ice; therefore, ice with larger crystals melts more slowly.

    17. By which year is it estimated that approximately half of the world’s population will be vulnerable to water shortage? 202

    18. What is a blizzard with lighting called? Thundersnow

    19. The name for a partly closed collection of coastal water with one or more fresh water sources flowing into it. Estuary

    20. True or False: Red snow smells like watermelon and tastes delicious. True, it's color comes from a species of pigmented algae that grows in ice. Red snow may taste great, but stay close to a toilet for a day or so.

    21. Himalayan glacial melt is threatening the continued flow of which two giant rivers in Asia? 

              The Yamuna and Ganges Rivers

    22. In a 100 year period, how much time does a water molecule spend: (4pts)

    a) in the ocean (years)98 years,                b) as ice (months) 20 months

    c) in lakes and rivers (weeks) 2 weeks,  d) In the atmosphere (weeks) less than 1 week

    23. If you are standing on your waterski with your right foot in front of you, you are said to be what?   Goofy footed

    24. Name the three of the five parts of the water cycle. (2pts for all five!)

    1. evaporation, 2. Condensation, 3. Precipitation, 4. Infiltration, 5. surface run-off.

    25. If an astronomer born on valentine’s day learns that it dawned Off-Broadway in 1967 and that we may be shifting into it again, what is it?  The Age of Aquarius

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