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Tharien van Eck
Target Program Chair
AWC Antwerp

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Martha Canning
Target Health Education Chair
AWC Amsterdam



2019 Development Grant Recipients Update

By Angie Aebersold, VP Programs, The FAWCO Foundation


A very heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS to all of our Development Grant recipients!

Through The FAWCO Foundation, FAWCO Member Clubs and FAUSA have been aiding worthy and reputable charitable projects throughout the world. Since 1997, we have distributed close to $550,000 to these worthy causes that lie dear and near to each recipient’s...


UN MDGs on Education

To read a UN Report on the crucial role of education in the achievement of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), click here.  

From the report: "The MDGs with targets for 2015 crystallized the growing consensus which emerged during the 1990s, namely, that poverty reduction and the provision of basic social services need to be at the centre of development policy. Of...


The UN Global Education Agenda

General background about the UN's priorities in the field of global education is here. "The Global Education First Initiative, launched last September by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, aims to put every child in school, improve the quality of learning, and foster global citizenship."




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