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Tharien van Eck
Target Program Chair
AWC Antwerp

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Martha Canning
Target Health Education Chair
AWC Amsterdam


Human Rights Issues at the FAWCO Conferenece in Rome

Human Rights Issues in the Forefront at the FAWCO Biennial Conference in Rome
by Therese Hartwell

Achievements since Beijing 4th World Conference on Women:
  1. The passage of better laws promoting gender equality, protecting women from violence and reversing discriminatory laws. Unfortunately, passage of the laws does not guarantee that they are being enforced.

  2. More girls are getting an education and more girls and women have access to economic participation.

  3. Sub-saharan Africa and Southeast Asia have seen a significant improvement in women’s access to contraception.
UN Issues Keynote Speaker Dr. Doraid of UN Women summarized the major challenges that still exist:
  1. Violence against women continues to be some of the most pervasive violence in the world and is surrounded by the most silence and impunity.

  2. Political empowerment continues to elude women. For instance, currently only one fifth of the Parliamentary seats worldwide are held by women.

  3. Women are over-represented among poor people and shoulder over two-thirds of the share of unpaid work. 
Ending on a hopeful note, Dr. Doraid suggested ways to work toward greater gender equity:
  1. Political will and leadership must be coupled with accountability.

  2. Increase investments to implement an agenda for women and girls.

  3. Increase the involvement of civil society members, including as instigators of action and monitors of accountability.

  4. Repeal laws that discriminate against women.

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