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Tharien van Eck
Target Program Chair
AWC Antwerp

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Martha Canning
Target Health Education Chair
AWC Amsterdam

Americana Programs

Americana for Children -- Programs and Resources

America_the_Beautiful_coloring_page_for_children Christmas Coins columbus Cowboy election Flag GovernmentMelting_pot dollar

Below are programs that have been presented in Doha. Programs from Dubai and elsewhere will be added as they become available. 

Americana Explanation

Flag_3 Pony_express Presidents_Day Railroads thanksgiving UNderground_railroad flag_2

Follow the links for each program: Try to tie these to a national holiday, special event, or vacation time
America the Beautiful (DOH) [Good after or before summer vacation]
Black History & Underground Railroad (DOH) [Jan (MKL b-day) or Feb (Black History Month)]
Christmas (Winter Holidays) (DOH) [December]
Civil War (DXB) - Program to be added
Columbus Day (DOH) [[October]
Columbus and Other Explorers (DOH) [October]
Cowboys (DOH & DXB)
Elections (DOH) [Good October before Presidential election]
Explorers (DOH) [used in October]
Flag Program 1  Flag Program 2 (DOH) [Good anytime]
Government, Three Branches/Balance of Power (DOH)
Melting Pot (DOH)
Pony Express (DOH)
Presidents Day (DOH) [February]
Railroads and Westward Expansion (DOH)
Thanksgiving (DOH) [November]
Underground Railroad (DOH)
US Currency (Coins) & Americana Store (DOH) [Good as last program before summer]

Activity ideas
Agenda for your first planning meeting
Detailed program template
Fifty States PPT template
Flag Ceremony
Pledge and National Anthem PPT
The Star Spangled Banner and Francis Scott Key

Program Ideas not included above.

To give feedback or submit programs please contact:

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