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Tharien van Eck
Target Program Chair
AWC Antwerp

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Martha Canning
Target Health Education Chair
AWC Amsterdam


AMERICANA is an educational program designed to reinforce a positive American identity by providing a safe environment for children to explore their American heritage and interact with other American youngsters. It builds language skills by introducing words, ideas, concepts as well as songs, games, literature (poems, stories...) that are not part of their everyday context, living overseas.

A flexible youth program, AMERICANA seeks to ground American expatriate children in the history and traditions of American life and culture. It introduces themes of cultural, historical, geographic and social relevance while interacting with other children. It highlights American holidays, traditions, history and ideas. Sessions can be planned monthly, quarterly, or as individual topics to focus on upcoming holidays and events.

 We have best practices from several clubs with suggested curriculum, finished modules and list of resources.

 Click here for short PROGRAM DESCRIPTION.

 Contact - for more details.

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