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Tharien van Eck
Target Program Chair
AWC Antwerp

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Martha Canning
Target Health Education Chair
AWC Amsterdam


FAWCO's NGO Status

What is an NGO?
An NGO is a non-governmental organization which is permitted to participate in United Nations related activities as stated in Chapter 10, Article 71 of the United Nations Charter. NGO's can perform a variety of services and humanitarian functions, including information dissemination, awareness raising, policy advocacy and provide technical expertise and collaboration with UN agencies and programs. FAWCO has been recognized as an NGO by the UN since 1995.

What do NGO's have to do with the UN?
Those organizations that share the principles of the UN are able to work directly with it after completing a lengthy screening process. UN recognized NGOs include a range of organizations. Some of the largest and most well known are the Red Cross, Medecins Sans Frontiers, Amnesty International, the Sierra Club and the World Wildlife Federation. NGO participation is now seen as essential for the success of most major UN meetings and events.

How do the NGO's and the DPI work together?
NGOs with effective information programs on issues of concern to the UN are associated with the Department of Public Information (DPI) with the goal of giving the UN valuable links to civil society, world wide. In turn, the DPI helps NGOs gain access to and disseminate information about the whole range of UN issues to enable the public to better understand the aims and objectives of the UN. FAWCO disseminates information from DPI briefings, mailings, conferences and meetings to member clubs through the FAWCO global committees, the FAWCO website, FAWCO publications and email distribution lists.

What is FAWCO's ECOSOC relationship?
ECOSOC is the UN's Economic and Social Council. FAWCO received special consultative status with ECOSOC in 1997. This status gives FAWCO the privilege and the opportunity to submit opinions to the Council and the responsibility to submit a report every four years detailing its activities in support of the UN. It entails participation in ECOSOC and its various subsidiary bodies through attendance at these meetings and also through oral interventions and written statements on agenda items. Organizations granted ECOSOC status, are also invited to attend international conferences called by the UN and General Assembly Special Sessions and meetings.

What is FAWCO's relationship with CONGO?
FAWCO is one of the under 500 member organizations of CONGO - the Conference of NGOs in consultative relationship with ECOSOC. This is a select, independent, not for profit membership organization that facilitates our participation in UN debates and decisions, giving us a stronger voice at UN meetings. Of the various CONGO committees, FAWCO representatives are active members of the Committee on the Status of Women and the Special NGO Committee on Human Rights.

What is FAWCO's focus at the UN?
FAWCO focuses its UN involvement on issues that relate  directly to women and children, specifically education, environment,  health and aging along with human rights. These issues mirror existing FAWCO committees and programs and are in line with the FAWCO mission statement and FAWCO's adopted Resolutions and Recommendations.

How can our club become involved and contribute to FAWCO's UN involvement?
Many FAWCO clubs and their members are already independently working in our UN areas of interest. It is mutually beneficial to link your club's interest in global issues to FAWCO's committees and our UN involvement.  FAWCO has a special Target Program designed to focus on a vital issue related to solving the UN Millennium Goals. Together  clubs can be more effective in attempting to solve the world's problems and bring about important changes on human issues. Through FAWCO,  clubs have access to the UN, its meetings and high level summits, as well as the possibility of networking with other NGOs. Let us know about your projects and activities and you can benefit from FAWCO's UN connection.  Also, every FAWCO club may indicate on its own letterhead that they are "a member of FAWCO, a United Nations accredited NGO in special consultative status with ECOSOC".

How do FAWCO's Resolutions and Recommendations impact our UN involvement?
The R&Rs adopted in 2013 set strong mandates to promote the rights and welfare of women and children through education and awareness-raising efforts. They recommend working through the UN to advocate women's rights and child rights with support for CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women) and the CRC (Convention on the Rights of the Child). They support efforts to protect women and children in abusive and conflict situations; promote special programs for literacy training of women and children; support health services and programs that include programs on sex education and programs aimed at preventing, controlling, and treating diseases such as HIV/AIDS and promote awareness of practices harmful to women. In addition, they encourage member clubs to become involved in environmental protection, to reduce pollution and combat global climate change. Finally our Resolutions and Recommendations resolve to promote methods for resolution of conflict and they endorse the United Nations as a forum for the peaceful resolution of conflict situations.

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