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Tharien van Eck
Target Program Chair
AWC Antwerp

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Martha Canning
Target Health Education Chair
AWC Amsterdam


How FAWCO Became a UN-accredited NGO

Applying for Accreditation

In May 1993, FAWCO initiated the process to be officially recognized by the United Nations as a UN-affiliated non-governmental organization (NGO).

The first step was to seek accreditation by the Department of Public Information (DPI) of the UN. This process took two years. During that time, FAWCO representatives attended several conferences.  In November 1994, FAWCO was represented at the Preparatory Conference for the Fourth World Conference on Women held in Vienna, at the UN Social Summit in Copenhagen in March 1995, and in Beijing at the 4th World Conference on Women in September 1995.  Seven FAWCO women attended the Beijing Conference, joining over 30,000 women representing other NGOs from all over the world.

After their enthusiastic reports to FAWCO, the board decided to apply for special accreditation to ECOSOC, the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. FAWCO was finally granted special consultative status in August 1997.

What does ECOSOC status mean for FAWCO?

First, it means that FAWCO representatives have access to UN Conferences around the world. FAWCO has specially designated representatives to ECOSOC councils in New York, Geneva and in Vienna where the main UN offices are located.

Any FAWCO club may indicate on its own letterhead that it is a "member of the Federation of American Women's Clubs Overseas, an NGO in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations," however clubs may not use the official UN logo on any materials.


DPI: The Department of Public Information of the United Nations has its headquarters in New York, and has as its mission diffusion of United Nations news to accredited member organizations.

ECOSOC: The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations deals with economic and social issues. FAWCO was granted special consultative status with ECOSOC in August 1997.

ACCREDITED: Officially recognized as an organization affiliated with the United Nations. 

OBSERVER STATUS:  As the name implies, observers do not participate in debate nor help to shape policies drafted at official meetings.

NGO FORUM: Each official UN Conference has been accompanied by an NGO Forum, which is where the real interest and work is done for members of NGOs like FAWCO. NGO Forums offer an opportunity to meet and network with people from every country and every sort of organization, all of whom are working to bring about change in the world, from whatever perspective. In addition, the NGO Forums prepare a statement which is presented to the official UN meeting, which can and often does influence the content of the official paper written by conference members.



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