ANC Rotterdam holds first TARGET Project workshop

    On March 26, 2014, ANCOR held the first Target Project Workshop. This workshop was designed to raise member awareness about Free the Girls. Target Chairwoman Johanna Dishongh traveled to Rotterdam to discuss The FAWCO Foundation as well as Free the Girls. This was a combination that worked very well. Vivien Lelieveld then facilitated a brainstorming session to gather ideas about what we as a club can do for fundraising.

    As a best practice – the club invited Rotterdam Vice Mayor Korrie Louwes as a guest. She brought some great networking ideas with city officials, Rotterdam women's business groups and local businesses who would be interested in becoming involved and supporting the Target Project.

    Does YOUR club need help with a Target workshop? I am happy to organize it with your club representative and share ANCOR’s best practices, invitation, etc.


    Mary Adams head shotANCOR Target presentation 1

    Mary Adams 
    FAWCO Workshop Coordinator       Target Chair Johanna Dishongh (L)

                                                       ANCOR President Vivien Lelieveld (R)

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