As a Club President, you will receive several different e-bulletins from FAWCO. As we are aware that you are busy and receive many e-mails, this guide will help you sort through these messages:

    1. Club Presidents' Post  This quarterly bulletin is sent by the Club Presidents’ Coordinator. It is only sent to Club Presidents. This bulletin provides important and pertinent information for Club Presidents.
    2. FAWCO News in Brief (NiB)  This is the monthly newsletter for FAWCO Reps sent by the FAWCO 2nd Vice President for Member Clubs. It contains important information about FAWCO for use by the FAWCO Representatives, but also has great information for all members.
    3. Connections - Letter from Headquarters  This is the FAWCO President's quarterly message to all Presidents, FAWCO Reps and subscribed members. 
    4. Target Bulletin   This monthly bulletin gives the latest news about the Target Program and Target Project. 
    5. Inspiring Women   This quarterly online magazine features members from your clubs around the world. Available free to clubs and the public. 
    6. The FAWCO Foundation News   This is the quarterly newsletter of the FAWCO Foundation sent by the Vice President of Communications of The Foundation. It is aimed at FAWCO Reps, Club Presidents and interested FAWCO members to inform them about The Foundation Educational Awards and Development Grants programs, fundraising projects and ideas for individual clubs, Foundation Night at the March conference and fundraising for the FAWCO Target Project.

    In addition to these, you can sign up to receive Special Interest Bulletins about various topics from FAWCO. Some examples are the monthly Global Issues Digest, quarterly UN Liaison Bulletin, quarterly US Liaison Bulletin. You can subscribe here.

    More information: FAWCO Publications 

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