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FAWCO has nearly 50 published authors amongst its clubs. They write in all genres and for all ages. Scroll through our Books by Members web page to find a brief summary for each book and the link on where to purchase it.
If you have a published book that you would like to share with others, contact and we will upload it to our list. This is a free benefit for FAWCO members.
Every book club would love to have the opportunity to meet the authors of their selection, to hear first hand about their inspirations, their writing process and what they learned from their own work. This may be possible! Contact
What happens when you give up your dreams to follow your partner's job around the world? It's a Lot to Unpack is the true story of an occasionally reluctant partner who struggles to find value amid all the moving parts that make up a globally mobile life. With wit, humor, and unflinching honesty, Honour details her journey from New York City badass to expat housewife, and the struggle to find the balance between the two--all while raising a family in places she never expected to be.
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