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    Sept.2009 AWC Basel Annual FAWCO Kickoff Luncheon

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    Article Submitted by AWC Basel FAWCO Rep Jo Ellen Black

    Each year, AWC Basel, celebrates our members by giving back with an Apero and Luncheon at a unique location near the Rhine River in Basel, Switzerland. This annual event also provides a kickoff for our FAWCO initiatives and provides a way for the Rep to reach the members and inform them of the latest information from the FAWCO Federation and the FAWCO Foundation organizations.

    One of the fun things we do each year is provide "FAWCO Raffle Baskets" by creating a THEMED basket filled with goodies that correspond to the theme. This year we were able to raise 500 CHF for the Foundation Development Grant our Club co-sponsors each year.

    The raffle tickets were sold and then additional tickets were sold for the "Lucky Dip" so that everyone leaves with a little something as a thank you from FAWCO.

    This year's basket themes were: 1. Switzerland, 2. Italy, 3. France, 4. Germany, 5. Basel, 6-7-8 were all USA.
    All of the baskets are filled with products- mostly food items and speciality items from that country.


    Winners of the FAWCO Basket Raffle


    AWC Basel: FAWCO Rep 2009-2010 Jo Ellen Black

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