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    January 2011: Letter from Region 5

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    Latest WONDERFUL news from Region 5 from Frauke Rademacher-Heidemann, RC Region 5

    At our Region 5 Annual Meeting last November in Munich, Tracy Moede from the AWCH presented the additional local water project ITWDP (Integrated Tribal and Watershed Development Program) in India.

    In the meantime we have wonderful news and reports from the local Indian project.

    Email from the project ITWDP coordinator Ulrike Henn, AWCH, to the AWC Düsseldorf

    Dear Susanne,

    Dear Tracy,

    May I share with you the joy and happiness that the generous donation of AWC of Düsseldorf has caused in India. Susanne, thank you so much for supporting ITWDP, it makes all the difference in so many people's life:

    With your support, they will be able to start a plantation, they will be able to earn a living and live a dignified life, and they will be able to send their children to school and to establish health care in their village.

    This snowball effect is possible only because finally they have water and your donation to make use of it.

    Tracy, thank you so much for presenting this wonderful project so well at the Region 5 meeting in Munich.

    Sincerely, Ulrike

    E-Mail from the Project Manager at the ITWDP, Robert D’Costa , Dec.19 2010 

    Watershed project info: ITWDP 

    Dear Ulrike, Greetings.

    You are a god sent angle for me.

    You believe it or not. After the Mass I was having a meeting with a tribla villagers regarding planting a pomo granad fruit garden of 3,1/2 acre. We need pipeline, water tank. and drip irrigation system. (I have dug a well and have electricity.) We were thinking of the funds. I told them let us start digging the pits and God will provide the money. After the meeting I come back and open the internet and I see your mail giving us the good news. Your money will be used for this plantation it is not for one individual but for the community. The profit will be shared by the whole community. We are starting community farming and the first fund for the first community farming comes from you. You will be the first model for model farming. God bless you and all your friends, mean our friends. I will have special prayers for you all.

    A BIG HUG to you.


    E-Mail from Ulrike Henn to Robert D’Costa, Sat, Dec 18, 2010 PM:

    Dear Robert,

    Here is very, very good and exciting news:

    The American Women's Club of Düsseldorf is supporting ITWDP with €4000.-!

    I am so pleased and thrilled. If you care, please read through the e-mail conversations, I am forwarding to you. It would be very nice, if you can find the time and write to the Düsseldorf Club for what their donation will be used and maybe you could even send some photographs, so they see what will be done.

    Tracy Moede, whom you met at my house has been doing an incredible good job,presenting ITWDP in Munich. Maybe we will get even more clubs involved and we will try again for a development grant next year.

    With my best wishes, Ulrike


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