Our members were particularly touched by the personal letters received from Tabatha (via project coordinator Yolanda Henry) detailing the huge impact a single well can have on the livelihood of a Cambodian family. We were very happy to be able to make our donation to the Target Water Program. We raised the money with the folllowing events:
- We sold "Star of Hope" Christmas ornaments and cute little hand-made hedgehogs (helping to dig wells) at a booth at our Holiday Bazaar for a minimum 5 EUR donation - we shared information about the Cambodian Wells Program and received some larger donations as well.
- We held a "Helping Handbags and Accessory Auction". This was our third annual auction to benefit FAWCO, and it is always a very fun afternoon auctioning off like-new items donated by members and local merchants.
- Our tennis ladies had a rebate from a day when the courts were needed for a tournament, and rather than refunding each player, they decided to donate the "windfall" to the FAWCO water project.
submitted by Sara Crabtree, AWC The Hague FAWCO Rep