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    Visit by Mr. Curtis Roosevelt to AWG Languedoc-Roussillon

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    On November 26, 2012, the American Women’s Group of Languedoc-Roussillon was honored to invite Mr. Curtis Roosevelt in their hometown of Montpellier, France.  In addition to group members, several teenagers were invited to attend from a nearby lycee which included a member’s son.

     The octogenarian came from his home, also in France, for a discussion of his 2008 autobiography, Too Close to the Sun: Growing Up in the Shadow of My Grandparents.    Mr. Roosevelt is the son of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, daughter of Eleanor and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  His parents recently divorced, he and his mother and sister moved in to the White House where he remained until the President’s death in 1945.

     Mr. Roosevelt served as the first Chairman of the Eleanor Roosevelt Center at Val-Kill, New York, his grandmother’s home.  In 1977, he was integral to the efforts to have Val-Kill designated a National Historical Site.  He retired in 1987 from a life-time of public service, both international and domestic.  He now enjoys his retirement in the South of France where he continues to write and enjoys cooking.  He should enjoy his cooking even more with his new copy of the AWG cookbook, Spice!

     Mr. Roosevelt spoke in a thoughtful manner about the emotional impact of growing up within the aura of his grandparents. He fielded questions from the floor and posed for photos with the students.    The visit was facilitated by members, Leslie and Gerard Lieber. 

    Photographs contributed by member, Maggie Palu.  Text notes from group blogger, Coolcat.  Article submitted by FAWCO Rep, Debra Yonker-Hecht
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