
North America & Europe Caucus Meeting at CSW66

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The North America and Europe Caucus (NA/E Caucus) for CSW is a group of activists who are interested in equality for women and girls and work at the UN to ensure that this is progressed.  

At the first NA/E Caucus meeting during CSW66 on March 17th, 2022, over 125 participated during the call.

- The establishment of public delegates within the US delegation was noted. One of the delegates, Dr. Padmini Murthy, was introduced and offered to share issues and insights from the delegation with the Caucus.

- It was suggested that the Caucus make a statement of Solidarity with Ukrainian Women. This was discussed at length with a vote showing the Caucus agrees to take this action. It was decided to cover a number of issues, noting the plight of women and girls in all areas of conflict including Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Myanmar, and sub- Saharan Africa. It was decided to include reference to UNSC Resolution 1325. It was noted that the statement should not be against the population of Russia but a statement of solidarity and support. It was suggested that the Caucus working group on Geopolitics and Strategy will issue the first draft to be shared with the Caucus at the earliest opportunity. Those wishing to assist in editing the statement were invited to join the Working Group.

It was suggested to bring together a peacebuilding coalition based on UNSC Resolution 1325. It was noted there is already a well-established NGO Working Group on Women Peace and Security. Any endeavours going forward will work closely with like-minded entities. 

It was decided to call for a Town Hall meeting with the SG and women from Ukraine.

Updates were shared on the Vienna Café, Methods of Work and Agreed Conclusions.

Some NGOs didn’t turn up to the Vienna Café which is disappointing. There is a need for more Member States to be involved especially from the Global South. There are good opportunities for accessing Member States.

The negotiations on Methods of Work have been more difficult than had been expected. They have thus taken longer and continue virtually on Monday. 

There was concern that the Agreed Conclusions (AC) still lack many references that we would like to see. The following issues were highlighted: sexual health, climate change and military, bringing back the language of girl child, older women, women with disabilities, land ownership, women farmers, migrants and refugees. It was noted some Member States do not like inclusion of “girls” due to beliefs that children require guidance of parents. It was noted that “all their diversity” is perceived by some Member States as shorthand for LGBTQI+ and if included in paragraphs, other content within those paragraphs might be lost. It was noted that while we can advocate for specific demographics to be cited, this can cause challenges to robust language in general in the final document. It was noted that Member States do not wish for any new text in the AC. However there might be an opportunity to insert text where a useful form or language could help move the negotiations. It was agreed that if anyone would like to make helpful suggestions, suggestions should be specific language with a clear indication of exactly where it should be inserted. The suggestions from the Caucus will be compiled into an advocacy document for all members to share with their delegations. Ideas on language can also be sent to Caucus members who are well connecterd with their country's delegations, including US, Canada, UK and Denmark. 

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