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Fulfilling Unmet Human Needs: NGOs Leaving No One Behind

The poster for the NGO Forum event on March 14, 2019.

Thanks to Yolanda Henry (FAUSA), Dottie Wagle (AIWC Mumbai), Claire Mathijsen (AAWE Paris) and her partner Elizabeth Tunoi, and Amanda Lane (CRP Jordan) for being part of this important panel discussion. 

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Fighting Child Marriage in Bangladesh

By Karen Boeker (AWC Denmark)

CSW 63 was an inspiring and encouraging experience – again. It started on Sunday, March 10 with the NGO Forum's Consultation Day, which was for me the perfect start into the week.

One of the events at CSW63 was a call to join the fight against child marriage in Bangladesh. It is a movement based...

First FAWCO NGO Forum Event at CSW63

March 14, 2019

Realizing the 2030 Agenda requires mobilizing resources, talents and goodwill. People around the world are stepping up to the challenge, making contributions, filling gaps and providing services for people in need, leaving no one behind. When governments don't provide adequate social services, people fall through the cracks, and may not be able to access needed services. Why? Political...

Attending an event at the UN

The rooms are always standing-room-only crowded, so we were happy to have seats for this event.

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 Laurie Richardson, Melissa Ruggles, Karen Boeker, Hari Kitching (L-R)


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Melissa, Karen and Hari

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