The UN Climate Conference of the Parties (COP25) had been scheduled to take place in early December in Santiago, Chile. In late October, due to increasing civic action protesting Chile's economic policies, Chilean President Pinera abruptly cancelled COP25. FAWCO joined other members of the Women and Gender Constituency in signing on to a statement by international civil society pledging "solidarity...
This was a lively panel, and the level of interest and energy in the room was high. Government delegates and members of civil society addressed the serious need for great representation of women in policy and decision making, calling for more effective participation, collaboration, networking and partnering. Women's political engagement brings idea leadership as we share knowledge and policy solutions...
Introducing the Civil Society representative, the UNECE chair said, "Civil Society always has a lot of good advice for us."
The Beijing+25 ECE Review Civil Society Statement was developed in consultation with over 420 NGO representatives from 48 countries. The key messages were delivered by a 27 year old student of international human rights law from Turkey - a strong symbol of youth...
Paula Daepppen (AWC Zurich) Reflections on B+25
Promoting gender equality is not a cost to communities, society or businesses - it is an Investment!
Gender equality recognizes that empowering women also empowers and benefits men and boys, and results in healthier families and communities.
By Sallie Chaballier (AAWE Paris)
"We have everything we need already on paper, we just need to implement it! The 1995 Beijing Platform was a turning point in looking at women and climate and the interlinkages with environmental issues." Jeannette Gurung, Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (WOCAN)
Climate change has a disproportionate impact on women and...
By Tara Scott (AW Central Scotland)
The UN brings into focus issues which need to be discussed, analysed and resolved, as they are affecting people on a global level. The Beijing+25 Regional Review meeting was focused on the current status of women. The consensus is that while progress has been made during the last 25 years, there is still a...