Introducing the new UN Youth Rep

    August 7, 2017

    Sammy Witt - New FAWCO UN Youth Rep

    As many of you probably already know, there are different women representing FAWCO at the United Nations in New York City and assorted cities in Europe. Aditionally, there are also UN Youth Reps, who do not necessarely need to be female, just FAWCO affilliated. I, Samuel Witt, am the new FAWCO UN Youth Rep in New York City.
    Originally from Hamburg, Germany, I was born to an American mother and a German father.
    I spent a year living in San Diego, California, going to San Diego High School and grew up surrounded by Americans. So far, I really did get the best of both worlds. I am currently nineteen years old and I have just finished my German Abitur, equivalent to a high school diploma. I am taking a gap year before studying at university. My plan, at the moment, is to study political science in Germany. 
    I take great interest in local and global politics, but so far I have only taken part in politics on the local level. This is an opportunity to `betray the revolution´ and go institutional. I want to experience what big politics looks like from the inside.

    My mother, Susan Stanley-Witt, is a member of the American Women’s Club (AWC) in Hamburg, Germany and a member of FAWCO. She has been a FAWCO member for many years now and when I found out about FAWCO UN Youth Reps and that that I had the opportunity to become one, I was immediatly interested. Last summer I even attended the UN Youth Assembly here in New York City. I attended again this August. (You can read what I wrote about the 2016 Youth Assembly elsewhere on the website). Besides that conference, I will attend different weekly groups and meetings on subjects I take interest in. 
    Women and Girls around the Globe will, of course, be my main focus. 
    I am looking foward to writing about my experiences at the UN on a weekly basis and hope that my beloved parents will not be my only readers.



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