
Celebrate 100 years of American women voting: 1920–2020

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Yes, we're going through tough, strange times. But 2020 is still cause for celebration: it's the 100th anniversary of American women's winning the right to vote across the country, through the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, often called the Susan B. Anthony Amendment. The actual date is August 26, 1920. 


So, while you're preaching FAWCO's basic message to all overseas voters, and using various digital outreach materials to do it virtually, remember to celebrate our foremothers' victory, and use it to catch overseas Americans' interest and get them to register and vote. Here are some sources of information that you can use in articles in your club newsletter and/or virtual registration events.

  1. Ask a Suffragist is a website with articles, graphics and information about the victory in 1920, including the dates on which each state ratified the Amendment.
  2. Major museums and institutions in the US – such as the National Portrait Gallery, the National Archives and the Library of Congress – have exhbitions on American women and suffrage, including some virtual tours and links to exhbition materials.  
  3. YouTube has a number of videos on suffrage, including the movie Iron Jawed Angels (full movie (over 2 hours) and clips).
  4. FAWCO's own Human Rights Team has a useful illustrated article: (Some of the Amazing) Women Who Changed American Politics.

What can you suggest to add to this list? Send suggestions to the FAWCO US Voting committee:

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