US Issues News

US Liaison


U.S. Liaison

Lucy Laederich
(AAWE Paris)

The FAWCO U.S. Liaison helps to coordinate FAWCO’s work with other overseas advocacy organizations and represents FAWCO’s positions in Washington during Overseas Americans Week, for example, or when legislation is drafted or introduced that directly affects Americans living and working overseas.



Americans Abroad Caucus - a sample letter to your legislators

The Americans Abroad Caucus is the first group officially created on Capitol Hill to provide for dialogue between Congress and the overseas American community. 

The Caucus grew rapidly at the beginning but has stagnated since. Since it was created, several of its members joined simply because a single constituent asked his/her Representative to do so.  

You can help grow the...

Some tips on communicating with your legislators

We are regularly encouraged to write to our Washington representatives, urging them to support legislation that directly affects us living abroad. When we do, it would be wise to keep a few things in mind.

Here are some tips on writing to your legislators, as well as a few websites for those particularly interested in US issues. 

Communicating with your...

Online Survey on Representation in Washington - February 2005

In 2005, FAWCO conducted a survey of its members around the globe to learn how they would like to be represented in Washington: many people complain of "taxation without representation" and dream of a Congressperson or even a group of them to represent the large overseas American population without necessarily thinking of the constitutional challenge that would represent.

This is...

Results of FAWCO "Representation" survey - May 2005

FAWCO Survey on Representation of Overseas Americans in Washington
January - April 2005




Breakdown of results

Workshop results    

Carried out and reported by Lucy Stensland Laederich
FAWCO U.S. Liaison


In our rapidly globalizing world, many tens of millions of people of many different nationalities have already left their home countries to live and work in foreign markets.

FAWCO Equal Rights Amendment Resolution (March 2004)

Unanimous Resolution from the Council
FAWCO Interim Conference
March 24-29, 2004 - The Hague, Netherlands
(Federation of American Women's Clubs Overseas, Inc.)


FAWCO (the Federation of American Women's Clubs Overseas, Inc.), a non-partisan organization with more than 17,000 members in 33 countries, endorses the Equal Rights Amendment and urges its timely ratification by the following states:

Alabama   Mississippi
Arizona   Missouri

FAWCO endorsement for the Equal Rights Amendment (2003)

FAWCO endorsement for the Equal Rights Amendment

Written in 1923 by the suffragist leader Alice Paul, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was introduced into every session of Congress between 1923 and 1972, when it was passed and sent to the states for ratification. The seven-year time limit in the ERA's proposing clause was extended by Congress to June 30, 1982,


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