FAWCO Foundation - News You Can Use - September 2011

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    News You Can Use                                                                   September 2011 

    Dear My-Linh,

    Welcome back from your summer (or winter) break. I hope it was enjoyable and you are ready for another wonderful club year. The Foundation is working hard to fulfill all your philanthropic wishes. We are seeking applicants for our Development Grants and Education Awards (as well as donors), sending off your past donations to NEEEDs (to provide further education for young women in Burkina Faso) and Tabitha Wells for Clean Water (the FAWCO-wide project to build wells in Cambodia). We hope you will check out our website and learn more about The Foundation on www.fawcofoundation.org.

    As you start your holiday shopping, may we ask you a HUGE FAVOR? If you shop online (and who doesn't), please enter through our link to iGive.com.  It is:  http://www.iGive.com/welcome/warmwelcome.cfm?c=54027&m=760552  

    For every purchase you make, The Foundation gets a percentage. It doesn't cost you a penny but it provides us with much needed donations. To date we have raised over $500 so please, please sign up right now!

    Please remember that The Foundation is YOUR Foundation. Please contact anyone on the Board if you have ideas, recommendations or questions. We would love to hear from you. Keep your success stories coming in to us as well!

    Cheers, Melissa Mash, President 2010-2012

    Well Deserved Dessert logo 

    You Don't Want to Bake? That's Okay, Check Out Recipe #1


    Recipe #1 requires no baking!  Not only do you not have to bake, but we have provided suggested letters, press releases, and other templates you can download - much of the work has been done for you.  We want to help you anyway we can, so feel free to contact our Sous Chefs; volunteers online to answer questions you might have. 


    "Well" Deserved Desserts, is a campaign to support FAWCO Member clubs in their effort to raise money for the FAWCO Target Water Project.

    The "Well" Deserved Desserts campaign starts now and goes through December 2012 so there is ample time to plan a "Well" Deserved Dessert event. Recognition awards will be given for outstanding efforts at all levels. The final results will be announced at the FAWCO conference in March 2013.

    And then one day a Little Philanthropist was born...

     How one 8 year old raised enough money to build 6 new wells  

    CassandraBeing on my own the past 6 months (husband working out of the country) has earned my daughter the right to enquire on my whereabouts. Curiosity led her to ask what I am reading all the time, or why WE go to monthly AWC Board meetings together, why she was not invited to the Chinese New Year Fundraiser dinner and why I had to go away for a few days without her. However, now she knows what FAWCO, The FOUNDATION, and the conferences are and what my fundraising focus is all about. 

    She has already learned quite a bit about fundraising from Rygaards International School. All the kids in her school have been selling personal items, cookies, cakes, drinks and even sold candies at recess time, donating all the proceeds to buy books for Africa (2000 Kr. worth of books just from her class). This of course has brought on many more talks of all the things that she is so privileged to enjoy and own, and what many other children and families don't have...even the basics... such as clean water. 

    To make a long story short, this month a private Little FAWCO Fundraiser was held and a jr. philanthropist was born. 

    Cassandra decided that she didn't want any presents from her friends at her 8th Birthday Party, and instead, she wanted money. Money she can donate to the FAWCO Target Water project.

    Invitations went out (with a lot of explaining from our part) and on May 15th, Cassie held her first fundraiser at the Statens Museum.  Along with a little culture, loads of laughter, fun, smiles and some serious unleashing of artistic talents, 13 children also learned a little about water.  AWC Denmark President Clarice Scott helped by providing us with a Children's Water Facts Sheet, and each child also went home with a bottle of CLEAN water along with some other goodies.  

    The party proceeds raised from her friends came out to 1300 DKR and an additional 700 DKR was given by her Godmom... grand total of 2000 DKR ($384).  That is 3 family water wells providing clean water to 6 families.

    In addition, Cassandra has sent the same email to our family in Canada insisting she would rather donate her gifts over receiving (how can I not be proud?).  A total of $240 was received and it looks like Cassie's little fundraiser will be able to support 2 more water wells. 

    All in a good days work....a little compassion, understanding, generosity and fun !


    AWC Denmark

    Does Your or Your Husband's Company Have a Matching Gift Program?

    If yes, then it's most often a simple process. Usually the forms are on a companies internal website or you can contact the Human Resources Department.  The FAWCO Foundation EIN number is: 43 607 5073. A list of some qualified companies can be found on

    The Foundation's website. 

    Help The Foundation Double its success! 

     Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter 

    Rep Online Toolkit

    It can be difficult starting out as a new or even an existing rep. What is my role? What is The Foundation? Where do I begin?

    The Foundation has a

    dedicated Rep Page on its website to help aid you in your position as FAWCO rep, RC or even club president.

    You'll find a calendar of events, deadlines and initiatives; a letter from Melissa Mash, Foundation President; and information on Education Awards, Development Grants and other important projects.

    "Like" us on Facebook and receive ongoing information and dialog. 

    Thank you for volunteering, we look forward to working with you! 

    Friendship Quilt 2012

    "Sweet Water"

    quilt square 

    It's that time again, to work with the  quilters in your club to help us create another beautiful quilt.  

    The theme is water. What does water mean to you and your community? Have you ever not had enough water? Has your club held a program or fundraiser on the topic?  

    Let's put together a target project quilt! The deadline as usual is October 10, 2011.

    Click here for the quilt instructions.

    2012 Development Grants and Education Awards   

    Guidelines, applications and additional information are now available on The Foundation website. 

    DG logoAwards Logo   

    Quick Links

    Water Photography Competition

    Water Photo Contest

    Sponsored by the American Women's  Club of Dublin.   

    The theme is WATER. What are your reflections of water? The color, the force behind it? How is water part of every day life? Your pictures should tell the story of water!  

    The purpose of the competition is to fundraise for the FAWCO Target Water Project -  Tabitha Cambodia Wells for Clean Water. The photos selected will be exhibited at the FAWCO Conference in Dublin, March 2012 and published in a photo book to be sold worldwide. This photo competition is open to all FAWCO members. Entry deadline is September 30, 2011. For  guidelines, and the application click here

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