The FAWCO Foundation - News You Can Use - Oct 2012

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    Your Projects, Your Passion, Your Foundation

    News You Can Use        October 2012  

    Dear Michele,

    The FAWCO Foundation's sole purpose is to put into action FAWCO's stated interest in the global community by specifically aiding charitable, scientific and educational programs and supporting the rights of women and children throughout the world. For over 45 years, The Foundation has stayed true to this purpose.


    The 2013 Foundation Program will feature $22,500 in Education Awards and $31,000 in Development Grants.   

    2013 DEVELOPMENT GRANTS ($4,500 each):

    The Development Grants program includes grants in seven categories, each of which targets an area of global concern in keeping with the UN Millennium Development Goals. The Development Grant program is open to all FAWCO clubs and to FAUSA, each of which can propose two of their charitable projects. These $4,500 grants can provide immediate financial relief in a difficult economic situation for organizations dedicated to helping underprivileged populations throughout the world.


    AW Surrey Hope Through Education

    Critical Health Concerns-sponsored partly by AWC Zurich

    Right to Food and Water

    Pam Dahlgren Educating Africa's Children

    American Women of the Eastern Province Skills for Life, sponsored partly by AILO Florence

    Around the Corner, A World Away

    The Coughlan Foundation Prevention and Treatment of HIV/Aids, Malaria and Tuberculosis

    THE 2013 EDUCATION AWARDS PROGRAM: The Education Awards include three Academic Studies Awards, for children of FAWCO members studying in the fields of Arts, Science and Humanities. Two Awards are open to FAWCO members pursuing degree-based studies and skills-enhancement programs.

    We continue to offer The Dual Cultural award for children or grandchildren of FAWCO members wishing to undertake high school programs or specialized summer programs in the United States in 2013.


    Arts Award

    Sciences Award-Sponsored in part by AWC Zurich

    Humanities Award-Sponsored in part by AAWE Paris in memory of Gertrude de Gallaix


    AWC Basel Members Award for University Degree Programs sponsored by Shirley Kearney ($5,000)

    FAUSA Skills Enhancement Award ($3,000)


    Dual Cultural Award in memory of Suzanne Erismann, sponsored in part by Donna Erismann And AWC Bern ($1,500)

    Guidelines, eligibility information, applications and nominating forms can be found on The Foundation's website www.

    What better way to celebrate a significant club anniversary, honor a special club member or memorialize a family member than to support a Development Grant (DG)

    To be named as a co-sponsor, you need to make a contribution of $1,000. To have your name in the title, the contribution is $4,500. However, ANY size donation gets us closer to our goal of fully funding all the DGs your clubs want. The DGs still available for sponsorship are:

    Critical Health Concerns

    Right to Food and Water

    Around the Corner, A World Away

    Or how about supporting an Education Award?

    Do your interests lie more in the educational arena? We also have our Education Awards: Arts, Humanities, Science and the Dual Cultural Award. We are still searching for full or partial funding for all of the Academic Awards and the Dual Cultural Award. These awards are fully funded for $3,500 each but, again, ANY size donation is greatly appreciated.

    So please send us your donation via our website or contact Michele Hendrikse Du Bois .   

    The FAWCO Foundation is the philanthropic arm of FAWCO. It is a 501(c) (3) not for profit organization registered in the State of Missouri. Direct donations to The Foundation are tax exempt to the fullest extent allowed by law.
    For more information please contact:.  

    How Sailing On The Solent Helped Me Combat My Own Fears While Benefitting FAWCO's Core Programs

      Learning to Steer

     Every so often something happens that makes one think there's been a convergence in the universe forcing one to take action.  When that "one" happens to be ME, I sit up and take notice.  My moment of 'convergence' occurred during the Dublin Conference Foundation evening - with the live auction no less.  Prior to my attending FAWCO's annual meeting, my husband and some friends were discussing a possible holiday.  It entailed being on a sailboat for an extended period of time.  Anyone who knows me well knows I am an earth symbol with all that implies: my feet belong on the ground, neither in the air nor on the water...on the ground.  I take meds to board an airplane or a ferry; I hung over the railing during an entire 3 hour deep-sea fishing excursion.  You can understand why a discussion about DAYS onboard a small sailing vessel would have me quaking.  Enter the live auction item, a weekend sailing the English Solent all-inclusive no experience necessary.  Fate had placed a trial run within my grasp.
    And grab I did.  No bidder was going to outbid me.  My logic was either the trip would convince my husband to stop badgering me about a sailing trip (he loves sailing) or I might find under the right circumstances I enjoyed it (puking fishing trips aside.) Even if I didn't feel good about sailing, I could feel good about the donation that went towards FAWCO and The FAWCO Foundation's core programs.  And since it only required my presence for a weekend, I could endure whatever came.
    "Whatever came" happened to be a wonderful experience on board "Our Sarah", a boat lovingly owned by Sylvia Wallach and Roger Squire of AWC London.  My husband, I, and another couple (friends) joined the owners one drizzly Saturday morning to enjoy the comforts offered in the auction promotion.  They did indeed, provide all meals and drinks, which included mid-morning snacks and afternoon tea, not to forget beer and wine even when not requested.  Just watching Sylvia maneuver around the galley was remarkable.  She and Roger have the routine of living on the boat down pat.  Roger took on the daunting task of teaching me to steer; somewhat difficult to do as I had a death grip on the railing when we started out.  By Sunday afternoon as we ploughed through the water and boat traffic, I was balancing myself plus my cup of tea and biscuits with the best of 'em.  And miracles of miracles, I was wishing we'd go faster.  I'd come a long way.  The rest of the team handled jibs and sheets and lines and ropes and whatever the captain directed.  My confidence wasn't quite up to their level, yet not once did I feel pressure to do anything but just sit and enjoy the moment.  And that's what I will always remember most: enjoying the moments of a beautiful experience made possible by the Squires' generosity in giving of their time and resources to the live auction.  
    The Bern conference is being held next March, where once again the FAWCO Foundation will be holding a live and silent auction to help raise monies for FAWCO's core programs.  We invite you to participate by 1) donating an experience for the Live Auction, 2) donating towards the Silent Auction, 3) bidding for items that catch your fancy or help you to embrace your own convergence.   However you participate, you can feel good knowing you are contributing towards the programs FAWCO members hold dear.

    Does Your or Your Husband's Company Have a Matching Gift Program?

    If yes, then it's most often a simple process. Usually the forms are on a companies internal website or you can contact the Human Resources Department.  The FAWCO Foundation EIN number is: 43 607 5073. A list of some qualified companies can be found on The Foundation's website. 

    Help The Foundation Double its success! 


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    The FAWCO Foundation needs you!  

    We are looking for a few volunteers to help support the Board and our programs:

    1.Musicians to play at the Bern Conference - If you play an instrument or like to sing soprano or alto then please let us know. Your talent is needed to help us at The FAWCO Foundation Night at the 2013 FAWCO Conference in Bern, Switzerland. We have a fun idea to pursue but we need a singing group and a musical ensemble.  

    If you can help please contact Margaret Hilditch 


    2.Experienced grant writers to help us source outside funding

    3.An experienced professional fundraiser to work as part of a team supporting The Foundation's Donor Development program

    If you are interested in any of these roles, please contact Suzanne Wheeler


    2013 Development Grants and Education Awards   

    Guidelines, applications and additional information are now available on  The Foundation website

    DG map Awards Image   

    Quick Links
    Give to the Foundation

    Please sign up!
    Holiday shopping is right around the corner. This year donate to The Foundation every time you shop online with iGive. 

    There is no additional cost to you. Over 900 stores participate. All you have to do is go to this link: 

    The Foundation has raised $1100 through iGive but it could be more if you get your friends and family to sign- up. 

    Thank you and happy shopping! 



    NEEED Scholarship Program 

    The FAWCO Foundation continues our partnership with The Friends of Burkina Faso and NEEED (Nimbus, Enfance, Environnement, Education et Developpement), a local non-profit organization in Northern Burkina Faso) to provide post-secondary school scholarships to young village women in this African country. Once graduating from secondary school, they will be able to continue their studies in midwifery, nursing, primary school teaching or continue on to university.

    Our 2012 donation of $6,000 will fully fund the education and housing of two girls for a 2-year nursing training and one girl for a 2-year primary teaching program. Visit our website for updates on past students we have supported.


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