Access to water is a basic human need and a fundamental human right. Yet over a billion people in the world still live without safe, clean water to drink. The diseases that result from drinking dirty water kill 5000 children every single day!!
While the statistics alone are shocking, they still say nothing about the daily reality of life without...
The third and last in our series on Worldwide Water Issues – real problems in real places.
While the global picture for water management is far from encouraging, that of Africa is much worse. 300 million Africans do not have access to safe water. The inability to be able to obtain clean water, and the illnesses that result from poor...
Welcome to the newly re-named team that focuses on age-related issues!
Over the last few months, a new team of team co-chairs, Kelly Fitzgerald, PhD and Tam Thompson-Steckel, has been working to revise the Transitions: Growing Older Team into the newly named Global Aging Team. Ali Weihofen, LCSW, MPH has been a significant contributor to the development of the newly...
Water: Worldwide Issues - Asia & Western USA
Here is the second in a series of three articles from the Water Team giving you information about real water problems in real places.
While America is probably not the first place you think of for water problems, the US government projects that at least 36 states will face water shortages in the...