
Tree Planting for "Dummies"


  1. Choose your site - Bear in mind the mature height that your tree will reach.  Do you want your tree to provide shade, to be part of a windbreak,Annes birch tree in back yardBirch tree in the back yard to mask road noise and pollution, to create privacy, to provide shelter and food for small animals and birds, or do you want...

What’s in it for me?

After a very busy summer, I am finally getting into the swing of a new FAWCO year! I hope all of you are rested and rejuvenated after your summer break and I/we look forward to working together for the good of the environment this year. We want to help you help the environment!

Let me start with a bit of information on the...



SDG Icon 13 Climate small

FAWCO's Environment Team is a dynamic and committed group of 15 women from 11 different clubs and FAUSA who work together to publish frequent informative articles. The Team’s aim is to increase member awareness about the environmental issues that confront our planet, such as the major causes of global climate change, energy efficiency, conservation and waste reduction, and issues affecting clean air, soil and...


World Water Issues

ExpatLivingLogoKara Fairchild Anne van Oorschot (AWC The Hague)                              Kara Fairchild (AWC Gothenburg)
FAWCO Environment Bulletin
November  2010

Water: Worldwide Issues
The third and last in our series on Worldwide Water Issues - real water problems in real places.
While the global picture for water management is far from encouraging, that of Africa is much worse.  300 million Africans do not have access...

Would you drink this Water?

Access to water is a basic human need and a fundamental human right. Yet over a billion people in the world still live without safe, clean water to drink. The diseases that result from drinking dirty water kill 5000 children every single day!!

While the statistics alone are shocking, they still say nothing about the daily reality of life without...


Worldwide Water Issues: Africa and Florida

The third and last in our series on Worldwide Water Issues – real problems in real places.

While the global picture for water management is far from encouraging, that of Africa is much worse.  300 million Africans do not have access to safe water. The inability to be able to obtain clean water, and the illnesses that result from poor...

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