
Global Issues Book Discussion Series – Flight Behaviour

by Anne van Oorschot, AWC The Hague, Environment Team Co-Chair

3rd Global Issues Book Discussion: ENVIRONMENT

After the recent Zoom discussion session for Among the Maasai (the Education Team’s pick for the second in the series of Global Issues Book Discussions), the Environment Team would like to suggest the third book. While non-fiction books about environmental issues abound, we wanted a...


Lessons from Corona Applied to the Climate Crisis

by Karen Rudin, AWC Zurich

covid 4948866 960 720The recent COVID-19 crisis was only a couple of weeks old when the media began reporting one unexpected positive effect. Worldwide greenhouse gas emissions were markedly reduced and the atmosphere less polluted as a result. As well as being good news in itself, this was an inkling that the corona crisis and the climate crisis are linked. Recognition...


George Floyd and Climate Change

By Anne van Oorschot, AWC The Hague

minnesota 39119 960 720I am originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota in the US and have spent the past 39 years explaining to people in the Netherlands where that is. Everyone knows where New York, Florida, Texas and California are, but Minnesota is someplace most people had never even heard of. While the fact that not everyone knows...


Compensate Travel Carbon Emissions by Planting Trees

by Anne van Oorschot, AWC The Hague

The first contact I had with the concept of planting trees to compensate the emissions produced by air travel was at the first FAWCO Conferencetree 576847 960 720 I attended in Stockholm in 2003. Environment Committee Chair Valerie Garforth, had a chart with distances from various cities to Stockholm and the number of trees one needed to...


Migratory Birds, Land and Climate Change

by Meenakshi Advani Rai, ACIW Mumbai  

Fly means “to soar through air; move through the air with wings,” the Old English fleogan: “to fly, take flight, rise into the air.” Migratory birdsbirds connect people, ecosystems, cultures, development and nations, offering an extraordinary opportunity for international collaboration. “They are symbols of peace and of an interconnected planet,” says Secretary-General António Guterres of the...


Women in the Environmental Movement

by Rena Levin, AWC Oslo

Jane and GretaMany hearts were warmed by photos like this from Davos 2019. How could they not be? Looking at each other with mutual respect and admiration, young climate change activist Greta Thunberg and scientist and conservation advocate Jane Goodall spoke to the ongoing struggle to care for our planet.

The picture was also gratifying because it...

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