
Everything You Always Wanted to Know about SOIL, but Were Afraid to Ask

by Sheila Doucet, AAWE Paris


Although he’s lived almost eight decades several states away from his native one-horse farming community where he was born, my Dad is a self-described “farm boy.” My Mom was a city girl whose closest contact with the garden was to cut my Dad’s wildly abundant roses for a floral arrangement. In high school, I...


Recycling – the Circular Economy?

by Valerie Garforth, FAUSA

Manufacturers would like us to think that recycling is the answer to our waste problem: buy, use, recycle – easy – woman g523324fe2 640our consciences are clear. But is it? And are they? Humankind (7.6 billion people) produces 2 billion tonnes* of waste per year and of that, perhaps 20 percent is recycled. It is estimated that the US produces...


The Impact of War on Our Natural Environment

by Meenakshi VRai, FAUSA & ACIW Mumbai


WarArmed conflict is bad for people, but most of us don’t think about the fact that it also has very bad and lasting effects on our natural environment. Land, air, water, plants, animals and all living organisms comprise the “natural environment.”  A geographical environment is also called a natural environment, as it interacts with...


Planting for the Planet

by Rena Levin, AWC Oslo

In the northern hemisphere, the sun is shining warmer and brighter every day. It might be 7 °C/45 °F outside, but here in Oslo, investment g51667e541 640I join in the time-honored Norwegian tradition of sitting outside by a sun/drenched wall to soak in the precious rays. The vernal equinox marked the start of spring. It was also...


Environment Festival – Saturday, May 7, 2022

Environmental Festival 2022 logo round croppedWith the Target Program focus shifting to the environment for the next three years, now is the perfect time to increase your environmental arwareness. There is so much to learn and so much you – and your club – can do to make positive changes!  A good place to start (or continue) would be to attend the FAWCO Environment Festival on May...


Reuse – Reuse – Reuse

by Valerie Garforth, FAUSA

The longer we reuse our stuff, the longer we keep it out of the waste stream. This is a sure way to reduce the amount of trash going into the landfill. “Reuse” is the third in a list of five Rs: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse (Repurpose, Restore, Repair), Recycle, Rot (compost). We have looked at Refuse and...

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