
Global Issues Book Discussion: The Book of Hope by Jane Goodall

by Anne van Oorschot, AWC The Hague

The Environment Team is very excited to announce FAWCO’s first Global Issues Book Read of 2022! We have selected The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for an Endangered Planet by Jane Goodall and Douglas Abrams.
Jane Goodall bookFrom the book jacket:
“The world-renowned naturalist and conservationist Jane Goodall has spent more than a...


by Ayuska Motha, AIWC Cologne

COP26 cover photo 2021The 26th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) or COP26 was held in Glasgow, Scotland from October 31–COP26 attendees 3 resizedNovember 12, 2021. FAWCO has Observer status at the UNFCCC and can register delegates to attend all COPs and the smaller mid-year UN climate meetings that take place in Bonn. FAWCO...


We LOVE Vintage

By Environment Team members Anne van Oorschot, AWC The Hague; Alexandra Vo, AWG Paris & FAUSA; Valerie Garforth, FAUSA; Jocelyn Fitzgerald, AILO of Florence; Ayuska Motha, AIWC Cologne; Meenakshi Advani, AIWC Mumbai; Sheila Doucet, AAWE Paris; Amanda Drollinger, AWC Central Scotland


The fashion industry has a disastrous impact on the environment. In fact, it is the second largest polluter in...


Win-Win-Win Holiday Gift Giving

By: Environment Team members Anne van Oorschot, AWC The Hague; Ann Zulliger, AWC Zurich; Alexandra Vo, AWG Paris & FAUSA; Valerie Garforth, FAUSA; Jocelyn Fitzgerald, AILO of Florence; Christine Riney, AWC Hamburg; Renuka Matthews, FAUSA; Ayuska Motha, AIWC Cologne; Meenakshi Advani, AIWC Mumbai; Amanda Drollinger, AWC Central Scotland

gift boxesWith Thanksgiving behind us and December just around the corner, the task...



by Adelina Matinca, AIWC Cologne

Brief Accounts from the Field in Northeastern Namibia

As I wrapped up my MA thesis entitled “Human-Wildlife Conflict in Northeastern Namibia: CITES, Elephant Conservation and Local Livelihoods,” I began to ask myself how many people actually know about CITES or elephant conservation and the impact they both have on local livelihoods. Many of you might...


Refusing Plastic

by Alexandra Vo, AWG Paris & FAUSA (with help from members of FAWCO's Environment Team)

The “soap situation”

A few months ago, I bought the new Costco brand soap in a rectangular package of 16 bars. Although we are only a family of four, I like the idea that buying in bulk means less packaging. Living in the suburbs where I need...

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