
Why You Should Care about CITES

By Adelina Matinca, AIWC Cologne

Elephants IMG 1869resizedAs I wrapped up my MA thesis entitled “Human-Wildlife Conflict in Northeastern Namibia: CITES, Elephant Conservation and Local Livelihoods,” I began to ask myself how many people actually know about CITES or elephant conservation and the impact they both have on local livelihoods. Many of you might have heard these terms, either in articles you...


A Climate Change Summer

By Anne van Oorschot, AWC The Hague

Summer is behind us, and the regular rhythms of school and work are humming along as if there had never been a break (amazing how that works!) My AWC is planning more activities, and all are hopeful that the restrictive coronavirus regulations will continue to relax. Things seem normal, but when I look...


Ocean Currents and Climate

by Meenakshi Advani Rai, ACIW Mumbai

The Ocean Food Chain

Currents are powerful physical forces in the seas responsible for the functioning and sustenance of the ocean food chain. 


Currents redistribute water, heat, nutrients, and oxygen throughout the ocean and directly impact marine ecosystems by inevitably carrying off living organisms that support marine life. With the right nutrients and flow at...


Prato, Italy & Its Recycling History

by Jocelyn Fitzgerald, AILO of Florence

There is more clothing being sold than ever before, which, in turn, results in an ever-growing mountain of discarded clothing. After the oil and gas industries, the textile industry is widely believed to be the most polluting industry on the planet, responsible for 10% of total CO2 emissions. While buying fewer clothes is the...


The Walk Through Time

by Ann Zulliger, AWC Zürich

universe 2742113 1280In my recent article on Donella Meadows, I mentioned an excellent book about the evolutionary process: A Walk Through Time: From Stardust to Us—the Evolution of Life on Earth, by Sidney Liebes, Elisabeth Satoris et al. An outdoor exhibit version of the Walk Through Time is now open to visitors at Lassalle-Haus Bad Schönbrunn in Switzerland until...


Thinking in Systems with Donella Meadows for the Future of Our Planet

By Ann Zulliger, AWC Zurich

In 1992, a book appeared that was important enough to be translated into 30 foreign languages and 30 million copies were printed. Donella Meadows was the lead writer of The Limits to Growth, a book that has gone through three updates and outlined scenarios that presented the various consequences of our behavior that could affect the...

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